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After Soap left, it took me a little convincing to have the courage to get out and get some sleep. Because we all knew we needed rest for this mission filled with the devil itself. But at the same time I couldn't look Simon in the eyes after all of that. Hell,  I didn't even want to look at myself.

I stand up, bracing myself against the wall as I try to gather my balance from my numbing legs.

"Shit," I hiss as I catch my appearance in the reflection in front of me. I lean over the counter, turning on the cold water as I brush my hair back and splash my face.

I needed to calm down; my nerves were shot. And I wasn't going to risk getting shot myself.

I sigh as I turn, opening the door and looking into the dimly lit room. Everyone was dispersed into their beds, leaving the living room bare and empty. The silence was thick, which made me feel uneasy.

I didn't want to sleep. How could I? I'm sure someone was on patrol, but.. this is Valeria. This isn't Hassan 2.0.

I lift my shirt over my head, leaving my bare skin exposed in a black tank top. My cargo sweats hung at my waist as I attempt to get situated into yet another new environment.

Maybe Ghost was around here somewhere, or maybe Soap. If I was being honest with myself, I was hoping to see Soap wide awake. But I knew that man could not stay awake for the life of him, having the curfew of a grandma.

Which left Ghost.

I take a deep breath as I walk forward, suddenly seeing a silhouette emerge from the corner of the front door. Tall, muscular, bulky.

I inch forward, trying to stay quiet as I approach him. Maybe he was level headed enough to talk- or maybe he wasn't. Ghost was unpredictable.

I notice a cool breeze waft onto my skin as I continue to slowly approach him. He was faced away from me, his head down while he gun was leaned against the doorway. He was sitting on the steps, seeming to be in a deep meditative thought.

"Hey," I softly say as I wrap my arms around my raised hair follicles.

Ghost immediately turns around, locking eye contact with me and standing up.

"I have first guard. Go to sleep," he says coldly.

"Ghost." I say firm.

His eyes are wandering away from me, but I step forward. He looks down at me, his features solid.

"We need to figure this out. Here, right now. I'm not letting this linger throughout the whole mission. We don't need- we can't afford any distractions." I lean against the side of the doorway as I breathe out, anticipating his response.

Instead, his left arm braces up against the door next to my head as he closes the distance in on us. His face is angled towards mine, making me slowly want to gravitate towards him.

"Then let's solve it," he says softly.

He actually wants to talk?

"How?" I ask slightly smiling.

Then, his face reads nothing. "We solve this by ending this all."

My heart drops into my stomach from his words, my legs feeling as though they forgot their function.

"You promised," my whisper cracks through my quivering lips.

"I'm not saying we are done. I'm saying as of right now, we need to be apart." He sighs.

I look away, trying to suppress the burning liquid coming from the corner of my eyes.

"Say something." He says firm.

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now