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"Simon?" I pat the bed next to me, void of a body and filled with nothing but cold sheets. "Can you not sleep a day in your life?" I groan as I sit up, stretching out my arms. The pillow and blankets to the right of me were indented with his figure; he surely can't be gone that long.

Or did I scare him away with what I said last night? Could I have possibly finally scared Simon Riley away to the point where he hates my guts?

He wouldn't do that.

The way he looked at me when I said it, it was like we had just met for the first time. He had no emotion, but at the same time he had a slight interest written in his eyes. He was unreadable.

I just remember going to bed in silence that night, falling asleep on his chest. I was okay with not receiving a response- they're heavy words. And a part of my head spun thinking about the fact those words ever emerged from my mouth.

I look over to my nightstand, reaching for my phone. I click on the screen to see I had no new notifications since last night. What the hell? He's just going to spill his trauma to me then dip like nothing?

I tap on messages, scrolling to his contact. My finger hovers above it slightly, a part of my chest sinking. I felt like a burden enough.

My fingers tap away on the keyboard, the soft vibrations reaching my fingers.

You're funny, Simon Riley. It's not a crime to sleep in, you know that?

I lock my phone, setting it down and swinging my bare legs over the bed. I hated to admit it, but they were sore from yesterdays two excursions. I guess I'd have to start being a little more flexible.

I pull my tank top down over my underwear, stretching my legs and looking out of the dark curtains. The sky outside was bright, and the sun was hiding behind the clouds at the same time.

Maybe he was in the kitchen, loathing and groaning in his own skin- the usual. I start down the hall, but to no avail do I see a tall and broad figure that was awaiting me with lustful eyes.

"What the hell," I whisper to myself. "Simon?" I call out, looking around in the living room and the bar attached to the kitchen counter. But it was a ghost town.

I turn back around, going to my room and grabbing my phone yet again. I open it, seeing my message had delivered but there was no response. I go to my contacts and click on Soap's contact; maybe he knew something I didn't. It wasn't like Simon to just run off with no explanation. Right?

Have you heard or seen Simon? He kind of disappeared into thin air this morning.. he won't respond to my text.

I look up, then head an almost immediate ding. My heart bounced hoping to see Simon's name, but it was Soap.

Morning to you too, Ruby. And no I haven't. I'll let you know if I hear anything though.

I hold down and like the message, tossing my phone onto the couch.

It felt as though he was some sort of imaginary person, coming and going when he pleased. I get he was called Ghost for a reason, but it was not excuse to just up and leave out of nowhere.

I look around slowly, trying to think of anything that would help. But then I see a white paper, peaking out from the corner of the couch. A paper I never out there, that much I knew.

I slowly approach the couch, reaching out and snapping the piece of paper from the couch. I look around it, but see nothing to accompany it. I open the letter, the thin paper crinkling in front of my eyes.

A mess of giant black pen cursive letters stare into my face, as if they were taunting me. My stomach drops, and the pit in my stomach feels as though it could be a black hole.

Ruby Laswell,
Please don't look for me, you won't be able to find me.
I am where I need to be.
This is goodbye, Laswell.
- Ghost

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now