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It wasn't long before we were shoved into a room. A guard puts his gun on my lower back, putting me against the wall along with Ghost and Soap. Then, two other guards join beside the one and walk in a single file towards us, patting us down from head to toe. Every inch of my body was touched at this point.

"Is this necessary?" I snap as I look down at the guard. It was taking everything in me not to kick him right now.

The guard stands up, looking directly into my eyes. "Strip."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow, looking to Ghost and Soap.

"I said strip." The man reiterates.

"I'm not taking off my clothes for anyone," I spit.

"Strip or we shoot." I hear a gun cock besides me, and I close my eyes sighing.

"Hey, man, this isn't necessary-" Soap starts, but the Russian guard yells at him, causing Soap to stand down. I look to Ghost, unsure of how to feel.

"Doesn't he have to?" I ask trying to avoid the attention.

"No." The guard says.

"Then why me?" I argue.

"I'm gonna say this one more time. Strip." The guard leans into my face.

I hesitantly reach for the bottom of my shirt, lifting it up slightly over my bra. I feel my skin exposed to the cold. I look over to Soap who looks away with an uneasy expression on his face. Ghost, on the other hand, had his eyes glued to the guard- pure anger radiating off of him.

"Keep going." The guard leans back, crossing his arms as I toss my shirt to the ground. I felt humiliated. I could feel the stranger's sick eyes analyze me from head to toe.

His eyes ravage her body as if she was some sort of caged animal.

"No." I state.

Another guard comes up to me, patting down the cups of my bra. "Wow," he says as he gropes a little too tight. My body shakes, and I'm frozen. They're doing this just for their sexual pleasure and my own personal humiliation. And I couldn't do anything about it.

No one touches her. Not like that. She was shaking, her expression reading nothing but fear. The guard licks his lips as his eyes are glued to her cleavage. I want to take my hands and fucking strangle him. But that might get us killed. I look to her, as her eyes search for the question of why. It reminded me of Graves all over again. Fuck it.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Ghost says. Suddenly, his fist flies into the guard.

Soap ducks under a guard, throwing a punch in another direction. I cover my chest as I kick the other in the groin, the guard kneeling down and groaning in pain.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Shepherd walks in, his face bothered and tempered.

"Here," Ghost grabs my shirt, tossing it into my chest. I doing my shirt to my chest.

"That's what happened." Soap says as he points to me and the guards.

"Control your men before I fucking rip their throats out." Ghost spits.

"Men." Shepherd says with a straight back. They all stand up, holding their possibly broken areas. "Pull some shit like this again and I'll torture then kill you myself. Now go!" He points to the door, and they all leave with no word said.

Shepherd then looks to us, nodding, leaving the room. My still bare back was braced against the concrete wall, and I slide down as I zone out into pure nothingness.

"Ruby," Soap leans down, his hand on my shoulder. "Get dressed, please. Don't let them take your dignity like that."

I nod slowly, trying to process the humiliation I felt. And it wasn't the first time. Every time I was with Graves in any sort of concealed area he always attempted to take advantage of the situation- of me. I've seen a lot of sick perverts in my life, but when you fear sexual assault it was a whole different level of PTSD.

"Ruby." Ghost kneels down to the other side of me, his arm braced on the wall behind my head. "You need to get dressed." His eyes widen behind his skull mask, a sense of security and softness entering my body.

I nod, throwing the shirt on over my bra and holding my arms over my knees. "What do we do?" I look up at Soap and Ghost, who then exchange glances with one another.

"Price and then probably know what went down- they had more than one drone." Soap says quietly. "We keep cover here, grab a code or a key card. Head back to that facility we went to with the guarded doors." Soap says.

"Sounds good, Sergeant." Ghost says as his eyes are glued to me.

Ruby Laswell x Ghost (Vol. 2-4) Shattered Souls/Bandaged Bruises/Sinful Souls Where stories live. Discover now