Kitty Kunikuzushi x Reader

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Y/N Pov:I had just finished up doing my commissions in Inazuma earlier than usual so I decided, why not explore to pass time? I make my way around Inazuma then I've seen a few light raindrops fall down onto my shoulders but it wasn't a big deal to me at first until the rain started to pick up. It was getting worse by the second so I decided to try and find some type of shelter. I go to a nearby forest and while looking around I found something under a few leaves. As I get a closer look there sat an indigo colored kitten looking as if it were trying to stay out of the rain. Who could leave such a cute kitty out here like this?

"Here kitty" I say while holding out my hand to the cat.

But when I reach my hand out the kitten scratches my hand, and I must say it hurt a LOT but that didn't stop me from trying to help this cat.

"Are you lost? You're too cute to be out here by yourself. It's okay I promise I won't hurt you" I say trying to convince the cat to let me help it again.

"I wonder where your mom is? Come with me I'll take care of you."

Picking up the kitten I take a close look at how cute this kitten is and close my eyes absolutely admiring this kitty. Suddenly, I don't feel anything in my hands anymore and instead something that felt like a hand on my shoulder. Opening my eyes and snapping out of my thoughts I see a man with a jellyfish cut and indigo hair. Suddenly he gives me a hug which catches me off guard.

"Who are you?! And where is the kitty?!" Is the only words that could come out of my mouth right now.

"It is me! I'm the kitty" he says as he stopped hugging me to look directly at me.

"No way!" I say taking a step back away from the man that has appeared in front of me.

" said you'd take care of me" he says as his expression changes to a kind of saddened look.

"Yeah I said that to a kitten not a grown ass man!" getting annoyed I start getting kind of loud.

"Still you said it to me! So..please take responsibility" he tells me as the male takes my hand and holds it, looking down at it.

"This brat! Is he for real right now? I just got scammed!!" I think but decide not to say it out loud. Pulling my hand away the only thing that comes out my mouth is "Come on we'll catch a cold if we stay here too long"

Did I just say that? What the fuck is wrong with me?! Deciding not to think much about it after already making the decision I just decide to roll with it.

"Come on let's go" I start to walk away.

"Thank you" the boy mutters while following me. Oh jeez, this is gonna be a long day.

This took a while to do but I hope you guys liked it, it was inspired off of something I saw on TikTok by kay__056. Since somebody wanted a one shot of this I decided to have this as my first one shot chapter! Anyways I hope you guys have a good day, bye!

Your dearest creator, Shela Ledin

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