Scaramouche x Reader

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"I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard"

Y/N's Pov:

You started off so sweet and swayed me off my feet, it felt like I was the happiest girl in the world. All the gifts you gave me, all the places you took me, all the times you comforted me, every moment meant so much to me. You told me that after Haypasia you realized that I was the one you needed. But what exactly do you need me for at this point? I thought it was to make you feel love, to feel happy and content. So what happened to us? What happened to all the things we did together? I can already see that we're slowly drifting away from each other, are you getting bored of me? Every single piece of chemistry we had, we were bounded and now you're just throwing it all away Scaramouche.

My eyes fluttered open and all I was met with was the familiar empty side of the double bed me and Scaramouche shared. It's been like this for weeks now, Scaramouche leaving me either while I'm sleep, waking up to tell me he was leaving, or me just catching him in the process of leaving and every time I either catch him or wake up to him not there more often than him telling me. I just groaned out of tiredness, getting up and deciding to make breakfast for myself.

3rd Person Pov:

"Y/N I'm going to the bathroom right quick" Scaramouche told me as he got up from his spot on the bed and headed for the bathroom

"I-I'll be waiting here" you said, looking down at the sheets that covered your bare body

His skin was soft and his hair was so silky when you got the chance to feel his hair when he was devouring and sucking up every single inch of the sweet nectar he was addicted of, the one that you gave him. To him it was a slice of heaven the nights you gave it to him. While Scaramouche was in the bathroom his phone rang and you tried to ignore it but the person kept texting so you decided to just try to take a peak. When you swiped up to the open the phone you were instantly hit with of course, Face ID so you tried to avoid that but there was also the PIN code. You tried to guess the PIN code a few times, making sure not to lock it and you didn't have enough time as you heard footsteps coming closer back to the room. You quickly put the phone back and Scaramouche stood by the bed and grabbed his phone. His face slightly dropped and he turned to your direction.

"Did you try to go through my phone?" He questioned you

"What? Why do you think I did?"

"I can't use my Face ID and have to go straight to using my PIN instead"


"Don't do that shit again Y/N, anyways, I'm going on a business trip so I'll be away for a few days" Scaramouche said getting ready and grabbing his stuff

"Another one?"

"Yeah it's for my business, I'll be back and don't be so fucking clingy okay?" He told you and walked out the door leaving you alone once again

You wondered, who was that person that texted him?

You couldn't believe it, the words you were hearing. It was too hurtful, too unusual to believe.

"Dude, I just don't even want a relationship all I'm trying to do is get some fuck in and that's it but it's like I HAVE to be in one" Scaramouche told Tartaglia

"I think you should've just been honest and told her dude, it's going to come back to you y'know"

"Yeah right, she's so fucking clingy but at least she gives me what I want"

So that's why he's been so distant yet when it came to those times he was always so attached. You ran off, a few tears slipping from your eyes on the way back to the house. You finally made up your mind, you'd give him something great tonight, so great he'll be kissing the ground you're walking on, chasing you to get another taste.

"Come on baby just one more time please!" Scaramouche pleaded to you

"No, I'm not having sex with you anymore Scaramouche and that's final"

"Y/N don't be boring, don't you want to entertain me? So then come on, put up a show and give the person what they want!"

"But what about what I WANT? You think I'm stupid but I'm not, it's always about when you want to have sex then you just discard me like I'm a piece of cake, like I'm just easy, so it's over Scaramouche. You never consider what I want and all I wanted was us to have a good relationship"

"What? No no that wasn't what I intended Y/N-"

"Don't give me that crap Scaramouche! If you think it's going to be a piece of cake convincing me to do this stuff anymore then you'll just be a piece of meat to me"

"Y/N you don't even know what you're talking about!"

"It's over Scaramouche! I'm tired of giving you what you want because every time I do you just end up leaving me for who the hell knows what you don't even want this commitment or this chemistry we used to have that YOU threw away!" You said packing your stuff

It was the time that you were about to leave is when Scaramouche finally realized he had fucked up (He thinks he fucked up as in he fucked up his chances of getting another slice of your cake fr). He begged and pleaded for you to rethink but you ended up leaving him all alone, permanently.

Time Skip to 3 years later

It's been 3 years since you and Scaramouche have been in contact since you cut all ties with him. You were currently talking with your friend Lumine but noticed how troubled she looked. You didn't want her to feel discomfort so you decided to risk it and bring it up to her.

"Is everything okay Lumine? You've been seeming a bit down"

"Huh? Oh I'm fine Y/N" she said, gazing back up at you

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything, that's what best friends are for after all!"

"I's hard to get it out"

"Hey, I won't force you"

"Well it's just know how me and Scaramouche are a thing right?"

When you heard that you spat out your drink.

"What.? That's the same motherfucker who I found out didn't even want a committed relationship, he just wanted sex"

"O-Oh...hey Y/N?"


"I think that's what's going on right now.."

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