Kitty Kunikuzushi x Reader part 2

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Y/N's Pov:As we make our way home and walk inside I place my stuff on the table.

"I suggest you go take a shower, I'll have some clothes out and ready for you once you're out of the shower" I say to him giving him a towel.

"Thank you very much miss" he says while heading off to the bathroom.

You nod in response and head to the room to the room to pick out some clothes for him.

"Okay let's see what I have in here, I'm hoping I have some..oh yeah there it is"

You pull out a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt. You fold them neatly on the bed and wait in the living room. Why did you even change your mind and let a random boy inside of your house? That crosses your mind and you're thinking about it for a hot second before shrugging it off. You wait about 15 more minutes and see the boy come out with the clothes on that you put out for him.

"Is there anywhere I can sit miss?"

"You can sit next to me on the couch if you want to"

"Oh really? Are you sure you want me to sit next to you?"

"I don't mind there's nothing weird about it unless someone makes it weird"

"Thank you ma'am" he says while sitting down next to you.

"Soo do you want anything? Like something to drink or?"

"Oh thanks for being generous but I really don't want anything right now"

"That's okay, if you don't want anything then you just don't"

You sit there for a bit before coming to notice something.

"Hey I never quite caught your name, what is it?"

"Oh, my name is Kunikuzushi"

"Well that's a rather unique name to me"

"Thank you very much miss"

"You don't always have to be so formal, if you want you can call me by my name, it's Y/N"

"I like that name a lot" he says with a soft smile.

All of a sudden you felt something in your stomach, like..butterflies? What's going on? Why did you start to feel that way?

"Thank you" you say smiling back at him.

A couple of hours later you guys talk and play games, eat, and finally it's time to go to bed. You make your way to your room as he follows behind. Oh jeez, you just remembered you only have one bed. I guess that means you guys are just going to have to share the same bed then.

"You don't mind sharing the same bed do you?"

"I don't mind at all mi-Y/N" he looks away a bit embarrassed at the slight slip up he made.

You nod as a response again and lay on your side of the bed as he lays on his side. Putting the cover over both of you you then turn off the lamp on your drawer and close your eyes.

"Goodnight Kuni"

He's a bit surprised for a bit at the fact you already had a nickname for him but decided to just close his eyes as well.

"Goodnight Y/N"

No because I was literally supposed to go somewhere but the person I was going with changed their plans AGAIN because something came up so I had time to post today. Surprisingly this one was kinda easier to come up with and write down. IF I can I might post tomorrow but if I don't it's probably due to school and school work. Hope you guys have a wonderful night.

Your dearest creator-Shela Ledin

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