🌸Angst Wanderer x Reader

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Trigger Warning! Includes arguing

Wanderer's Pov:Y/N had gotten into a fight with a few enemies and ended up getting hurt, so when she came back she looked all beat up and was so close to falling over but I caught her. This moron, she can't do anything by herself. I go to tend to her bruises and cuts while she just sits there, looking down. When I get done I patch her up and sit her down on the couch. Then I go to the kitchen and start making her something to eat. Soon enough I was done making her food and went to hand it to her to which she took it and started to eat.

"You shouldn't have done that by yourself Y/N"

"So what do you want me to do? Just stand there and let them take a hit in?"

"You could've at least got me to do it"

"I can do stuff by myself I don't always need help with everything"

"But I never said you did"

"Yet you're acting like it"

Is she serious right now? I literally just helped her with her wounds and she gives me this sort of back talk? She's gotta be out of her mind or something. I let out a scoff and cross my arms.

"Don't give me back talk after I just helped you Y/N"

"Okay but then you should've never said something dumb like that if you weren't expecting back talk from me"

"What the hell did you just say?"

"You heard me, not everything you say it smart Kuni"

"I never said it was"


Y/N's Pov:
"I never said it was"

Okay, now he's starting to piss me off. I look at him with a visible pissed off look on my face. He seemed to be getting pissed off as well. We kept going back and forth until finally, I had enough. I slap him across the face, leaving a visible red mark on his face. He looks at you with wide eyes that then turned to look more pissed off than before.

"Why the fuck did you just hit me?!"

"Because you're missing the whole point! The point was what you said was stupid and yet you keep turning tables on me!!"

"Oh really now?!"


"Watch your damn tone and words with me Y/N!! Don't forget that I can-"

"Go ahead I dare you, you know what I think we need a break, I'm taking my leave"

And so you went to go get your stuff and leave. After getting everything you stumbled out the entrance.

"Y/N you can't leave yet-"

"I'll do whatever I want, don't bother me I don't want to speak to you until you learn that not everything is the other person's fault, you're at fault here"

You see Wanderer trying to push you back in but you don't budge. You finally get some of the balance you get and start walking from the house. After a few minutes of walking you stumble across Kazuha.

"Oh hello Y/N, what brings you here?"

"Uhm..I had an altercation with someone"

"Oh really? Whom?"

"A friend of mines, we got into an argument and we just kinda decided that we wouldn't talk to each other for a while"

"Oh no I'm sorry to hear that, would you like some comfort within that time?"

"Yes I would like that please"

Kazuha gives you a nod and you both set off to somewhere you could rest at. And soon you guys were spending your time with each other throughout the whole entire week, although Wanderer had came across you guys and just stared. He then let out a slight chuckle and left. "I guess you've already found someone else huh?" He says walking away. You hadn't came to notice until you were finally done avoiding Wanderer. When you left Kazuha's house you waved goodbye to him and set off to find Wanderer. You walked for a bit before finally stopping at his house and knocking on his door but no answer to your avail. That's pretty strange. You press your ear against the door and hear a bit of movement through it.

"Kuni? Could you please let me in? I know you're there"

"No" he says through the doorway

"Please Kuni, let me talk to you" you say but he still doesn't open the door

"Kuni I love you, you know that so please just let me in and communicate with you"

It takes a bit but when he finally opens the door you gave him a big hug, although he didn't hug back. This made you a bit upset but you decided to just let it slide. "Shouldn't you be hanging out with Kazuha..?" He says. Wow, jealous perhaps?

"Are you jealous?"

"No! I just.."

"It's okay Kunikuzushi you can be honest with me"

"...Okay fine just a little bit"


"I've seen you having fun with him..please tell me you won't leave me for hun"

"Of course I won't, he just wanted to comfort me by hanging out I'm never going to leave you Kuni"

"But how do I know that?! You could die right now if you did"

"But I didn't right? I'm still here, with you Kuni and I always will be"

"But how do I know tha-"

He was cut off by you placing a kiss on his cheek. You really did know how to make him shut up sometimes.

"Kuni, whatever happens, it just happens we can't control that but promise me you'll keep apart of me forever and always with you?"

He was so unsure what to say, although he knew not communicating wasn't going to solve anything, he blushed and looked away before finally saying:

"Yes I will Y/N, I promise"

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