Scaramouche x Reader

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Y/N's Pov: After defeating Scaramouche with Aether you finally decide to come to a stop. As everybody else takes their leave you decide to stay back and..check on Scaramouche. Why do you want to? Why are you trying to be nice to a fatui harbinger? This isn't what you should be doing but you still walk up to the male and get on one knee to see the state he's in. Jeez, the fall really did do a lot of damage to this man. You see some hair in his face and try to move it out the way but as you do he suddenly wakes up and grabs your wrist with a firm grip and slightly twists it.

"Why are you touching me? Get your filthy hands off of me before I-"

"Before you what? You can't do anything in this state Scaramouche" I say as I try to get out of his grip.

"Don't give me back talk, why are you even still here?! Shouldn't you be with the traveler and that archon?" He says still having his grip on my wrist.

"Well..I stayed because I wanted to help you"

He looks at me, seeming very shocked and confused but quickly changes it back to his angry expression. Did he really think I wouldn't notice his expression change? It probably wouldn't have been visible if he had his big hat on but now that he doesn't it was kind of noticeable.

"Why would I need help from a worthless insect like you? I don't need your help nor your pity, now I suggest you take your leave because I'm not letting you help me"

"Why do you have to be so stubborn? I'm not going to betray you or anything I just genuinely want to help you, you're in a bad state right now and you think I'm just going to leave you here?"

He stops to think for a second, hearing them say they won't betray him made him feel a ease, but he wasn't going to give up yet.

"We are enemies, enemies do not help their enemies so like I said I DON'T need your help, get that through your thick skull"

"Well frenemies exist too but I'd rather be friends than frenemies if I ever get that chance to which I highly doubt, just let me help you please I promise I'll take care of you, you don't need to be so defensive because I'm offering help now this is your last chance you can take it or leave it, let me help you" I say now looking directly at him without making any movement.

He looks down for a second and closes his eyes then sighs. He lets go of you and turns away to face away from you. Is this really going to be his final decision?

"Leave my sight, I can take care of myself without needing any of your help" he then tries to get up but falls back down to the ground.

"Fine, I offered my help but you clearly don't want it so I'll leave then"

I guess I have my answer from him. I turn around and start to walk away from him, leaving him there on the ground. Scaramouche takes a look and tries once again to stand up although this time he successfully did. But when he tries to walk away as well he's once again falling down. You stop to look back at him. Does he really need your help? I guess he does need it huh? So, he finally decides to call you back over.

"Hey, I changed my mind I'll...let you help me"

So now he finally wants you to help, well isn't that a bitch.

"Took you long enough" you say before walking back to him and helping him gain his balance again.

You grab his hat and help him walk out of the domain. You're finally glad that he decided to let you help him.

"And just because I'm letting you help me doesn't mean we're friends, got it?"


Damn this took all day to come up with I'm sorry for the long wait, I promise tomorrow I'll try and come up with something but it might not posted tomorrow because I'm gonna be going somewhere but I promise I'll post a new chapter whenever I can
Your dearest reader- Shela Ledin

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