Halloween Special! Wanderer x Reader

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This is kinda like a modern au so it's gonna have Halloween events we have in our time

This is kinda like a modern au so it's gonna have Halloween events we have in our time

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(Art isn't mine)

3rd person POV:

On Hallow's Eve, a street filled with many Jack-o-lanterns, lights, and Halloween props kids were trick-or-treating while teens and adults were going through haunted houses or hosting a Halloween party. Y/N L/N was dragging Wanderer through different houses, ringing the door bells in expectation for mostly treats and lesser of tricks. Y/N was too focused on just getting candy and going to the next house for more that at one certain house she had got spooked by someone in a very well made Halloween costume. It scared you so bad you jumped higher than you thought you ever could like a cat and almost punched the guy but was stopped by Wanderer who only chuckled at the frightened reaction you had. The man ended up giving you candy with the scare as an apology. After that whole ordeal you decided to be prepared for both things as you didn't want to end up hurting someone over a cheap jumpscare. So far both you and Wanderer were getting a lot of candy but you noticed a kid at the doorstep of a house asking for candy.

"Trick or treat candy please!" The boy asked with a wide excited smile

"There's no candy here for you kid now go away!" The person said scowling and slamming the door shut

The boy looked down and walked away sulking which made you feel bad for the boy, so you walked over and offered him some of your candy. He at first tried to decline and say it was okay but after you insisted one more time he took the candy and gave you a smile that you thought was so adorable. You pat the boy's head and made your way back to the spot you had Wanderer wait at.

"You know Y/N there's two things I like about you, one is your sass and two is moments like this when you're being genuinely nice, that's the main trait of yours that made me fall for you" Wanderer told you while looking away so you don't see the blush spreading across his face

"Well even though you're being an asshole most of the time you're also actually starting to be nice and open up more, that's cute hat guy"

"Hey I told you not to call me that, the name was just temporary" he said scoffing and grabbing his bucket from the haystack he once had it set on.

"Well you don't want me calling you any of your past names so don't blame me" you said in defense

"Uh actually you can just call me..Kuni, I don't mind it since you're my girlfriend and you've earned that choice of name" he said turning around to hide the smile he had on his face

You both walked around town a bit more, stopping on occasions for you to have small talk with some towns folks and compliment many different outfits even if they were ones from your local Party City Store. The two of you then came across a Trunk-or-Treat that was starting in about 2 hours from 8pm-10pm and usually you wouldn't stay at something as late as that but since you wanted to pass out candy to people and make them happy you were willing to do it. In the meantime you and Wanderer were deciding what to do for the next 2 hours and you both decided to go to a haunted house but if there was remainder time from there (at least 1 hour) then you guys would stop at a party for 30 minutes then get ready for the next 30 minutes to set up for Trunk-or-Treating. When you both arrived at the haunted house you were greeted with well made decorations although you were immediately scared by someone who would be the one giving you instructions. You didn't mind it too much but you also weren't expecting a scare so soon and neither was Wanderer which actually got him to jump a bit. He thought you wouldn't notice but you did and out of embarrassment he caught an attitude and told you not to speak of it. After the guy was done giving you both instructions, where to go, and even giving you a map just so you could remember (because the mansion is actually kind of huge) you both set out to find your way through the house. It was going good so far until you both had to turn and go through a dark hallway, though you had to be brave. So the two of you started walking through the hallway but caught small glimpses of a figure running around. It scared you just a bit but you were determined to push through and make it out the haunted house without getting scared, too determined in fact that you didn't notice the person somehow hanging from the ceiling reaching down to grab your shoulders. When they were face to face with you it took a simple "boo" to scare you next to Wanderer and he called you a baby for that, only to end up being scared by someone in the mansion himself.

"Are we almost there? I can't anymore of these scares it's embarrassing and I don't like being seen scared"

"And why's that? You always wanna look tough for me?"

"I look tough and I am tough"

"Fair point"

Halfway through the mansion you started to get more focused on looking at the map than where you were going and to your dismay you ended up splitting from Wanderer. Yes you were scared and ended up being spooked by people more frequently after you guys split up but you were doing okay until you heard a loud scream and Wanderer being chased by someone which made you laugh but instantly start to run too seeing that Wanderer was running your way. You both ran and ran until you actually managed to make it out the mansion. The overall experience for you was scary but fun and for Wanderer..well he was even more embarrassed knowing he let a person in a costume get him to scream as loud as he did, hell even scream in the first place. After the haunted house you guys as expected, had 1 hour left so you both drove to a Halloween house party and partied there for a bit. Once the first 30 minutes was up you both drove back to the spot where the Trunk-or-Treat was being held and got set up. Once you guys were done the event started right on time and you guys ended up passing candy to folks up until 10pm on the dot and went home for the rest of the night. (Wanderer definitely had tricks and treats for you tonight)

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