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I don't even know how it got to this much in the span of a few days..y'all are quick😦. Thank you and much appreciation to you all. Also I'd like to talk about why it took me so long to post.

Thing is I didn't really post was because I was taking a break because basically I'm dealing with cyber bullying right now by my ex friend. We basically had an altercation due to the fact he was being transphobic to one of my trans friends and I came to the conclusion that I was gonna drop him cause he didn't really care if he couldn't watch what he says and that would cause stuff with my other friends. So then he started coming back on alts and bringing up the drama again as well as to dragging my friends in and when he kept labeling me as a bad influence I called him out and he threatened to take away my friends but that's not even a big deal to me cause most of my friends are terrible towards me. So then his friend was constantly d riding him so hard and he kept saying he wasn't taking his side but he then said that he was like?? So then he threatened to doxx me because one of my friends got their hands on his brother's account and was trolling him then sent my friend death threats like I understand getting mad but death threats is doing too much. Then he put me in a gc with him and kept saying I was still talking to his friend that was d riding him and I kept telling him that I wasn't and his friend friended me which I literally have proof of and he was all like "Leave my friends alone" like I don't even fuck with your friends like that. So then he threatened to once again take my friends away and I openly told him I didn't care so then he kept saying leave his friend alone and I told him I didn't give a fuck about his friend then he kicked me and when my other friend went off on him he told them to watch who they snap at like he could do something💀. Then I told my friend that I used to crush on to block him cause he literally lied on her and made his d riding friend snap on her and when she did his d riding friend was going off on her so yeah shit is messy fr. But nothing has happened so far so I'll try and get back to posting for you guys.

I just wanna say I love y'all, honestly I see you guys as my second family and your support really makes me happy. I hope you guys have a good day today and stay safe, don't let others talk you down or anything.

Your dearest creator-Shela Ledin

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