Day 5 Wanderer x Reader (Winter Weekends)

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3rd Person Pov:

"Y/N..Y/N wake up! We're going ice skating today" Wanderer said, trying to shake his lover awake lightly

"It's only 12pm though, can't we just go at 6pm?"

"I guess that's a little more reasonable, but I wanted to go just a bit more early"

"Well that's TOO early" Y/N said instantly falling back asleep afterwards

"Okay, fine then"

Time skip to 12pm

"Okay Y/N now it's ACTUALLY time to wake up?"

"Alright alright I'm up let's go get ready" Y/N said getting out of bed

"Okay all cozied up?" Y/N said, grabbing their pairs of skates

"Yes I am, even though I really don't need one"

"Well I bought it just for the aesthetic, anyways come on I'm ready to go!" Y/N walking out the front door with Wanderer following behind

They both got in the car and drove off to the ice skating rink that wasn't too far from the house. After a 5 minute drive they arrived and got out the car. Y/N raced by the rink and put on their skates. Wanderer did so too and was the first to step onto the rink.

"Come on Y/N, it's simple and if you don't know how to then I'll just teach you" Wanderer said holding out his hand

"Well I'm kind of scared" Y/N said, slowly stepping onto the rink and almost falling

Wanderer went over to them and helped them stay still so he could instruct them properly. He told Y/N how to move while skating and once they thought they were ready they told him and he started to slowly skate with them. He smiled, seeing them happy that they got it was adorable to him.

"I'm actually doing it! I actually didn't know you know how to skate tho..."

"You know just cause you think I don't do a lot of things doesn't mean I actually don't, now here, you're going to have to trust me with what I'm about to do and just do what I say to do okay?

"Uhh okay?"

Y/N held onto him Wanderer and started to do what he instructed them to do and after they got it they both started doing some beginner tricks together. He mini clapped, proud at how fast Y/N were learning slowly let go of them. Y/N started skating by their self and he told them to do a little spin on their own. When Y/N correctly did a spin for him they got off and the ice and sat back, getting out of the skates.

"I think that's enough ice skating for today, how about we go get some cookies? You can have yours unsweetened if you want"

"I guess you're right, come on let's go, but we're going back on the ice soon" Wanderer said getting off the ice and changing out of his skates

You both walked to the Bakery that was just across the street from the skating rink and went inside. They waited in line which was pretty long and Wanderer got impatient and suggested that you guys just go back but they told him to just wait. When they were finally up to the cashier they saw Santa decorated, snowman decorate, and reindeer decorated treats.

"What would you two like today?"

"Can we get two batches of cookies? One batch sweetened and one if possible, unsweetened?"

"We can try to do that for you, is that all you would like?"

"Some hot chocolate with a candy cane please"

"Okay, your total is $8.75 and you will get a coupon and gift card as a gift for the holidays"

"Oh thank you!" Y/N said taking the gift cards and coupons from the lady and passing Wanderer his

"You guys can wait outside at the patio and someone will eventually bring you guys your food and drinks"

"Okay thank you!"

"Alright Y/N, you tipped her now are you ready to go back?" Wanderer asked

"Yes I'm ready"

"Alright then let's go" Wanderer said walking back to the ice skating rink with Y/N and putting back on their skates

"Alright now get on the ice and I'm going to do another trick with you"

"Okay" Y/N said getting on the ice and letting him grab both of their hands

He both spun you guys around and Y/N giggled. There were a few people looking at you guys and even at some point clapping. After doing tricks and skating for 30 more minutes you guys decided to go sit down at a bench and wait until the Christmas show started. When it did there were many different professional skaters, most of them being characters like Elsa and Anna. The crowd ooed and aaed at the spectacular performance and you clapped and cheered.

"Y/N, this is so childish"

"Just be quiet and enjoy it!"

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