School au Scaramouche x Reader

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You were a school girl who attended high school with your best friends Childe, Signora, and Scaramouche.
All of you guys somehow ended up in almost all of the same classes with each other but Scaramouche was the only one who had all of them with you. You didn't want that so when you saw your schedule you were kinda pissed off about it but got over it just deciding to see how it turns out, if it wasn't good you'd just switch your class. Today you were going into your first class and then you saw the one and only, Scaramouche. He looked at you and gave you a fake ass smile so you rolled your eyes at him and sat down in the corner of the classroom.

"I'm sorry miss Y/N but I think that's the wrong seat for you, your assigned seat is by Scaramouche"

Well shit. That wasn't really a good thing unfortunately for you to get caught like that. You looked to see Scaramouche slightly laughing at you, this bitch. You go to take your seat next to him.

"Well well well look who we have here"

"Shut the fuck up Scaramouche I'm not here to talk to you"

"Make me shut up, and I didn't say you had to"

"Oh want me to make you? When?"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

"Bleh, I don't care"

You stuck your tongue out at him and pulled your eyelid down with your middle finger as he stared at you in annoyance while his eye twitched. Soon, class began and everyone was there. Time passed and Scaramouche had his head down on the desk while you took notes. He could at least try and get some of the notes down don't you think? But it's Scaramouche, he wouldn't care.

"You know you're letting me use your notes later right?"

"Please, as if I'd let you use MY notes that I wrote down by myself, should've taken your notes.

"Don't refuse, let me see your notes Y/N"


Suddenly the bell rang. You collected all your stuff, put it in your bag, then left the classroom. Although you failed to notice that Scaramouche watched as you left, pretty angry at you. You were walking to go to your locker and when you got there you opened it. But as you were looking through it you were suddenly turned around by somebody. Then, the person had pinned you to the locker with one hand. You looked up to see none other than Scaramouche himself, you've gotta be kidding me. What the hell did he want now and why is he always bothering me? He stared down at you with an angry look that appeared on his face. Oh please, don't tell me this still isn't over the notes again.

"Are you gonna let me use those notes like I asked you to Y/N?"

"With your constant attitude hell no I'm not letting you use them at all"

"Please? At least let me jot down some"

...Fine, but only because you said please for the first time" you say smirking at him.

"You know what? After today you're gonna pretend as if you never heard me say that. And don't even try to mention it, got it?"

"Sure whatever dude"

You push him away and make your way to your next class. You were wishing they would just switch out your classes already without this dickhead in them. Although you have to admit, when he pinned you like that it made you feel strange, like butterflies inside your stomach which made you question why the hell you were feeling like this every time there was either physical touch with him or when he was very close to you. You sat down in your seat that was across the room from Scaramouche. You take a quick look around the room and notice that Scaramouche was staring at you, but when he had seen that you saw him he looked away embarrassed. Why the hell is he staring at me? Scaramouche was so strange it really made you confused about his whole personality trait. An hour later you guys were finally dismissed out to lunch. You were in your locker when you found a note that read:"Come meet me at lunch on the rooftop behind the fan". Behind the fan was kind of weird but you went anyway. When you got there you saw Scaramouche standing there waiting for you.

"Hello Scaramouche, do you need something?" You say giving him a stink eye

"Y/N, I just wanted to tell you something, and please don't freak out because this is a lot coming from me"

"Go ahead, spill it out"

"Well Y/N you see I kind of..." he cut himself in the process of saying what he was going to say.

"Kind of what.?" You say Crossing your arms and scoffing at him for wasting your time.

"DON'T, give me attitude...I like you Y/N" he said looking away embarrassed.

Your mind went blank and you spaced out for a hot second. Scaramouche? Having a crush on you? You really didn't understand why, but you did come to notice that you liked him back because of how you liked him being close to you and having his physical touch, so that's that"

"Are you serious..?"

"If I wasn't I would've never said it"

"Well in that case...I like you too Scaramouche"

He's surprised by his and stares at you for a second before pulling you in and kissing you softly. You loved the way his lips felt pressed against yours, it felt nice. After a minute you both pulled away, then soon giving each other a hug.

"I love you Y/N"

"Awww saying it so early now"


"Okay, I love you too tho :)!"

"Hey comrade...what are you doing with.."

"We're not doing anything relax..unless she wants to make it happen"

"Oh stop it"

"Just saying, offer's there"

Help this took so long only for it to be so short but I promise I got you guys tomorrow because I get out of school early. Also thank you again for the reads! I highly appreciate you guys and when I can I'll update, I hope you have a wonderful night.

Your dearest creator-Shela Ledin

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