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Hi guys I am

So unbelievably sorry

I have a full time (minimum wage) job, and being disabled it's hard to manage that on top of my health. I never expected this to get this popular, but I promise I am working towards more actual updates and not apologetic shots.

That being said I just got off an 8-hour shift while battling strep throat, and currently I'm waiting for the nyquil to kick in, so mistakes are bond to happen. I will eventually get to editing this and shit but I just wanna get it on out.

Sorry again


Terrorism, bombs, violence, panics, overloads




"Alright everyone, we are taking a field trip tooo..." Harrington's words hang in the air.

Please don't be the Compound or Tower. Please don't be the Compound or Tower...

"The Metropolitan Museum of Art!"

Oh thank God.

I breathe a sigh of relief as everyone starts gathering their things.

As much as I hate the Met ethically speaking, I would much rather go there than have to deal with the shit show that would likely happen if we went to the Compound or Tower.

"—everything in it has been stolen and it needs to go back to where it belongs— with the people it was stolen from! It's outrageous—"

"At least it's not as bad as the British Museum of Natural History." I say, cutting off MJ.

"That's true. Greece has been trying to get their statue back for hundreds of years and—"

"—and the museum replies that travel would cause damage even though it was flawlessly traveled to England thousands of years ago before the advancements in technology were made." Ned and I finish. We've heard the spiel a hundred times.

MJ continues while I just half listen.

It's not that what she's saying isn't interesting, cuz it is. I'm just pooped. Up all night training and patrolling. It's exhausting.

I try to take a nap while on the bus.

It doesn't work.

I'm on edge for some reason, I'm not sure why. I think I'm just over stimulated and tired, making me anxious. It happens all the time, false alarm anxiety. Of course the worry of it being actual intuition never fully leaves my mind.

It's hard to tell the difference. They feel the exact same. Panic building in your chest. Heart racing, ears ringing, hands shaking. Looking for threats, scanning for exits, who is the most risk victim. Who would you go to save first if you had to make that decision. Is it anxiety? Am I just paranoid from years of this? Is it actually my intuition telling me something is going to go wrong or am I just overreacting? What if I convince myself it's anxiety and it turns out to be intuition and then I'm unprepared and second guessing myself next time—

It's exhausting, to say the least.

I find myself scanning the exits. Potential threats. Places to hide. Entrances.

We're standing in the Art of Native America exhibit when I hear footsteps.

I take a deep breath. Footsteps don't mean anything. There are hundreds of people in here. There's no reason for me to zero in on one set.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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