The Floor Is Lava

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Canon ships


I wake up unusually late on Saturday. Not like, super late, but later than normal.

"Hey Underoos, don't forget, tour." Dad tells me when I enter the Commons.

"Right. Noon?"


"Sick." It's ten ish, so I have roughly two hours to get dressed, eat, and get down stairs. "Am I tag teaming?"

"Yep, thirty six is where you pick up. Take it to the end."

"Got it."

"Everyone is coming up for the meeting at nine so be warned."

"Got it. Who all is everyone?"

"Nat, Clint, Thor, Barnes and Noble, space guys, Strange, Pink Panther and his sister, Sam, you know, everyone."

"Sick." I take a giant bite of pancakes, knowing that it also means Harley is coming up. "Sis, you are such a great cook." Wanda smiles at me.

"I know."

After breakfast I get dressed and grab my clipboard of intern stuff. There's roughly half an hour until I need to be down on level 36, but I go down anyway, just in case they are running ahead of schedule. I end up making small talk with one of the lab techs who was coming back from the bathroom, her name is K.C.

"I can't believe you're still stuck doing tours." She tells me.

"I know, and everyone is flying in today for the meeting, and I'm stuck here doing absolutely nothing."

"Aww are you upset you are missing your boyfriend?"

"Yes, I am." I tell her. "I haven't seen him since December. That's like four years in gay time." She laughs.

"I know, Myka lives in North Carolina, and I haven't seen her since December either."

"Gays live the hard life."

"Why can't cute gay people live like right down the road? Why do we have to fall in love with people halfway across the country?"

"Because we're gay." I look at my watch. "Alright, go ready the labs for the tour, they should be here any minute."

"You got it, boss." She bumps my shoulder as she leaves and I fix my posture. I start rambling through the speeches in my head, even though I've had them memorized for a year.

They show up five minutes late.

"Catherine." I say when the elevator finally opens.

"Shut up." She tells me.

"Let me guess, someone got their—"

"—hand stuck in a beaker. Why is it always my group?"

"Our group." I correct.

"They're always angels with you!" She complains.

"Because someone does something stupid with you." I counter. "This is our only group today, right?"

"Your only group. I have three more but I'm tagging with Marco."

"Got it."

"You eating lunch with us?"

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