Yea, I Like Boys. (PREQUEL)

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Death discussed


Pepper x May
16!Cassie x Gwen Stacy
MJ x Shuri

This is just a little precursor to "Yea, I Like Boys.", showing the very start of their relationship in that shot. I've grown very fond of writing them and I might even do a whole other story for them.


I'm sitting on my bed, scrolling through Tumblr, when I get a Facebook notification that Dad was tagged in something.

Harley Keener (1m)

Thank you to the person who encouraged me to do science when I was young. The one person who didn't tell me it was stupid. Granted, he broke into my garage so I probably shouldn't have trusted him but meh. Thanks old man. @TonyStark.

[Pictured is a teenage boy with light brown curly hair, he is holding a blue first-place ribbon next to a project that also has the blue ribbon. The boy has a small smile on his face]

I pause. Who the hell is this? I tap on his picture icon thing and go to his profile. He's my age, seventeen, and cute. Okay, maybe that seems a little stalker-ish. I wonder how he knows Dad?

There is a knock on my door.

"Come in." In walks Dad, speak of the devil.

"Hey kiddo, I wanted to talk to you."

"That's never good." He laughs.

"This time it is." I turn my phone screen off and lean back against my headboard.

"What is it?"

"Well, how would you like to come live here full time? May included?" I blink. It's the middle of summer, so I'm staying here anyway.


"You heard me."

"Really? Like, not live in the apartment anymore?" He nods.

"I've been thinking about it for a while. Obviously I wanted your permission before bringing it up with May, but I figured it would save you guys a lot of money." I scoff.

"Dad, we drive one of your cars. You leave money around the apartment all the time—don't say it isn't you doing it we all know it is—and you gave her a job. And me a credit card. I don't know why you thought that was a good idea." He laughs lightly.

"I just need to show how much you both mean to me."

"In all honesty, Dad, you do enough." We both chuckle. "But I would love to live here full time."

"Awesome. I'll go talk to May about it."

"Wait, Dad?" He pauses after standing up. I grab my phone and open it to the post. "Who's this?"

"That, is Harley Keener. It's a bit of a long story, but he's a kid I know. I kind of want to see what would happen if you guys met. Anyway, I'm calling him later today, we always call at least once a week, if you want I could introduce you." My face gets red and I try to ignore it.

"No I'm good I was just confused." He nods.

"Sure. You sure you don't think he's cute?"

"I regret telling you I like boys." He laughs.

"Oh don't be like that. He likes boys too, if that's what you're wondering."

"Thanks, Dad. Get out." He keeps laughing lightly.

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