Peter Parker is NOT a Stripper

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Uh kinda sexual? Ish?

Nope, not even Parkner (I know it's weird)

Yet again, one of the few I will do in the third person. I saw someone on AO3 do something along this effect, so credit to them, but this will obviously be very different than their's. I just love the idea of misinterpretation and miscommunication. If they do reach out to me and ask me take it down I will, I tried to find the author of the one on ao3 by going through my history but I couldn't find it, so it may have been taken down, or it was a fever dream.

Either way,

Enjoy :)

It was, in 90% of the student body's opinion, the Worst Day Ever™ at Midtown Technical High School.

The fitness exam.

It's the day that one of their electives gets cut, and they go to the gym for the period. For Peter Parker and friends, this elective happens to be the last class of the day.

The first way the exam tries to kill the—I mean the first part of the exam is running a mile via laps around the gym. Peter had been looking forward to a simple, slow, jog next to his best friend, Ned Leeds, but his friend had a dentist appointment. So Peter was on his own.

At least he was able to listen to music, which distracted him from his burning lungs. His legs weren't bothering him, as he works them constantly, but he was born with asthma and while he may not have it anymore, sometimes his lungs like to act like he does. However, one thing about being superhuman, is that he is very fast, very agile. And he may forget he's in school, for a moment, and that he's still supposed to be a small nerd with zero athletic ability.

The alarm goes off after ten minutes, and Peter is only vaguely aware of the looks being thrown his way. In the time it took some of his classmates to complete one lap, Peter had done two.

After that was when the real torture began, because the rest of the exam was taken in front of the class, and a few of the athletes would go hard for breaking school records. Overachievers, teachers' pets, as if college scouts looked at who holds the record at a school for most push-ups.

First was crunches. As the gym teacher went down the roster, the numbers varied. 40 to 30 to 13 to 26 and everywhere in between. Betty Brant, Ned's on and off girlfriend, did a good few of the guys in with a solid 50.

Once it was Peter's turn, he knew he could beat the school record of 75, but he settled with doing 35, just because it seemed more plausible.

After crunches were push-ups. Again, the numbers varied, and again, Peter knew he could beat the record of 82, but he stuck with 25. There were remarks made about his sudden increase, as at the time of the last, was not Spider-Man and didn't have the perks he's used to. He managed only 20 crunches and 10 push-ups last time, but he's grown.

Of course, his classmates never noticed his muscle growth, as the clothes he wears are not exactly revealing, and he doesn't take gym anymore.

After push-ups was the dreaded rope climb. A single rope was hung from the ceiling. Usually, the rope was coiled around the pully and is only on the floor for the exam. The goal of the climb is to climb up, ring the bell, and climb down. Mats were placed around the rope as a fail-safe in case anyone fell, though Peter wondered how those would help at all.

Peter knows he could absolutely demolish this, probably even beat the record, but he doesn't need to. He has nothing to prove, unlike the other wannabe record setters in his class. Peter just wants it to be over.

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