OoOo DUcklInGS

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Not really


Canon ships
Parkner (Harley flirts a lot with Peter but they aren't together yet)


I wake up, absolutely dreading the day ahead. I seriously just want to stay home. Honestly. I have so much stuff I have to do tonight, it would be awesome if I could just stay home, go over to the Tower, and get started.

But I can't.

Because I'm going to the Tower for a freaking field trip.

Yea, I know.

I manage to get dressed, and May drives me to school, ignoring my pleas for her to just drive me to the Tower (she's headed over there anyway as she is Tony's secretary).

At least I don't have to bring anything other than my phone to school.

"Hey Peter."

"'Sup, Nerd." I sit at our usual table in the library, since our class is meeting in the library anyway.

"Hey guys." Betty smiles at me. She's kinda joined our little group, and I'm kinda glad. She's really nice.

"You excited? Maybe you could get us up—"

"Honestly if I were going to do anything on the trip even remotely tying into my responsibilities working at the Tower it would not be going to hang out, it would be going to one of the labs." I cut Ned off before he can continue.

"Well well well." Everyone rolls their eyes simultaneously as Flash approaches. "I'm surprised you showed up, considering everyone gets to find out how much of a liar you are."

"I don't have the energy to deal with you right now, Flash." I tell him, working on a lab report (due at noon) on my phone.

"Hey, Eugene, could you go somewhere else? I can feel my brain cells dying." MJ adds. He just huffs and walks away as the bell rings.

"Okay everyone, to the bus!" Mr. Harrington announces. Everyone gets up and does as we are told. Some more excited than others.

It's going to be a standard tour, I know that. School tours are slightly different than public tours, they are a little bit more in depth, more personal. Tony likes it that way to encourage students (particularly female students) (not in a bad way, he just knows about the gender imbalance in STEM fields and is trying to help fix that by encouraging—okay yea you get it) to take interest and apply for an internship or job when they can.

The bus ride is short, because it seems the Tower is five minutes from everywhere in the city, and everyone is off and being given tour badges. I just pin my normal badge to my flannel (that I'm pretty sure is Harley's but who knows), and what do you know. The tour guide, a new intern named Jemma, doesn't even have a tour badge for me (names of all students are emailed to the receptionist so they can make up the badges).

We don't even get through security before my day gets worse.

"Peter!" I, along with my thirty peers and my teacher, turn to see Grace running at us, her lab coat bellowing behind her like a cape. I was really hoping to have a normal trip for my peers, but I don't think that will happen. She looks genuinely distraught.

"Grace! What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Quackers?" And the day gets even worse.

"Excuse me, you can't talk to stud—"

"You shut the fuck up, Mister, this is a matter of life and death!"

"Grace, take a deep breath and try not to kill my Chemistry teacher." She takes a deep breath. "What did you do with Quackers?" I demand.

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