Mr. Stark p4

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I don't think May will ever chill. Like, at all.

I've ate dinner over before, it's not uncommon for me to stay way past when I should've gone home, but she's never ate with them. She's completely in awe.

And of course, she keeps looking at me whenever Harley flirts with me.

I'm never going to live this down.

It is a little weird to be eating with the whole team and not just Tony, Dr. Banner, and Harley. And I do mean the whole team. Literally everyone.

"So, you're Peter's teacher?" Tony nods. "Is he a good student?" May this isn't a parent-teacher conference oh my god.

"Oh, definitely. Easily the best in the class. My first day I was late and walked in on Peter teaching the class."

"Really?" She looks at me briefly.

"Yep. He's very engaged and catches on to new content easily. Though I have heard he has a tendency to skip class, but never mine." I give Tony a look. He's knows that by 'skipping class' I'm actually taking down criminals, but he still doesn't like the fact that I skip class.

"Peter why are you skipping class?"

"I've told you, the locks in the bathroom get stuck." I lie.

"Will Peter's grades effect his internship?"

"Uh." Tony looks at Dr. Banner (he has asked me multiple times to call him Bruce but I'm sorry I Cant™).

"Not directly, if his academic performance starts struggling we will work with him to get it back to where it should be, even if that means cutting down on the time he spends working." Which translates to I need to keep my grades up or they won't let me be Spider-Man for a while.

"So what all do you guys work on? Peter never tells me about what you all do."

"Oh, well he gets physical training, as in working out and self defense, for if the building is ever under attack, so he can protect himself." That's one way to put it.

"That explains why Peter had been more sore and getting bigger." My face gets red.

"No, your son was already pretty fit before." My face gets even more red at Harley's remark.

"Oh, I know he was, but he's gotten a lot more uh, muscle-y."

"Typically when that happens it's just toning the muscle that was already there." Steve tells her.

"Oh, well... Uh, do you guys work this closely with all of the interns?" There is a beat of silence, everyone probably wondering how the fuck we are covering this up, when Tony speaks up.

"Well, no, but Peter is our only high school student, and he's one of my own, so I want to make sure he is treated properly by all of the older kids." I smile, it does feel good to be acknowledged, and get uh, 'special' treatment.

"Oh, that's nice of you."

"Hang on, I have an odd question." Everyone looks at Steve. "I mean no disrespect, but why does your son call you by your first name?" Here we go...

"Oh, Peter isn't my son. He's my nephew."

"Oh, okay that makes more sense. Sorry."

"No it's fine, a lot of people think he's my son." Because you and Ben raised me after my actual parents died. You are my mom, May, in all but actual biology.

"But yes, we do like to make sure all of our employees maintain a safe and healthy life style, so we so often meet with them and they get their healthcare and dental and a lot of other benefits. We aren't Amazon, we actually care about our employees safety and well-being." I smile as I continue to eat.

"It's true." I vouch. "All of the interns only have good things to say about you all, like 'one time my mother was in the hospital and they paid off all of her bills and gave me three months paid leave to take care of her' or 'one time I saw them hand a wad of cash to a homeless person on the street and like two days later I saw that person working in the Tower' it's really cool to hear those stories."

"That's a lot more than a lot of companies can say."

"We're not a company, we're a family." Dr. Banner states. "I treat my employees how I'd want an employer to treat my son."

"I don't know, our son is kinda rude."

"Anthony-" Tony's laughter interrupts his husband's scolding.

"No I am very much rude. Product of my raising."

"Your parents raised you to be rude?" May asks, genuinely confused.

"No, my ma raised me to not give two shits about other people, that the world is cruel and uncaring. My time in the system just solidified that. My dads have helped me loosen up."

May doesn't know how to respond to that. She just nods.


I get in from patrols and crawl through my window, onto my ceiling, then drop to the floor, closing my door. I take off my mask and start to work on my suit.

There is a crash from behind me.

"You're Spider-Man?!" I turn and see Ned.

"Shhh no I'm not! Why are you in my room?!"

"You're Spider-Man! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm not!"

"Dude!" He gestures to the suit hanging off of my shoulders.

"Ned! Sh! Aunt May doesn't know!"

"Well no shit she doesn't know she wouldn't let you be running around the city late at night in spandex." I sigh and close my door. "You're Spider-Man. Why didn't you tell me?" I look at him.

"Can I change before you start hounding me?" He nods and I grab clothes to change into and go to my closet. Holy shit.

Holy freaking crAP Ned knows. Ned is now the only person who is not another superhero who knows. Oh god. What if I get kicked out because he knows? What if I get in trouble? What if he gets in trouble? He's my best friend and I cannot have anything happen to him. Is there a way I could like... Erase that from his memory? Like is there a thing to do that? If not S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to work on that.

Oh good god I'm going to have a panic attack.

I mean... He can cover for me now? I guess. I can tell him about all the cool things I see and cool stuff I do. It had been killing me not being able to talk to him about it.

Maybe this is a good thing?

I walk out of my closet.

"Okay. Tell me everything."

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