Mr. Stark p3

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Not really




It's the weekend after my run-in with the hot guy, I think his name is Peter, and yes, I'm trying to find him.

And I find him in the training room, destroying a dummy. He is very hot, and I don't think he has noticed I'm in here quite yet.

"Hey hot stuff." He completely misses the dummy and falls forward. I walk toward him and lean against the dummy.

"Hey." He squeaks.

"How are you doing?"

"Good." He wipes the sweat off of his forehead.

"So, why are you here?"

"Uh... Internship. You were there when we—"

"No I got that, but, I know a lot more than your class does. You see, interns don't get introduced to the team, and they definitely don't get to use the training rooms." I meet his eyes. "So why are you really here?"

"Um... I don't... Know if I can answer that question?"

"Was that an answer or a question?"

"Yes?" I hold his gaze for a moment longer.

"Okay." I shrug. Then I feel the need to make sure I'm not like making him hate me. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" I ask. He looks at me for a second, then blinks.

"Sorry, what'd you say?" I let out a small laugh.

"I asked if what I do is okay. Your friend said it was, but I wanted to make sure it's okay with you."

"Oh. Uh, yea, no uh, it's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yea, I'm just not, you know, super used to it? It's kinda weird but, I don't know, it's not like... Bad..." He looks down.

"Okay, great, let me know if I cross a line, yea? I'll back off. I don't want to make you super uncomfortable. Flustered is okay, and might be my goal, but uncomfortable is not okay, okay?" He nods and smiles. "Great, so uh, whatcha working on?"

"Uh, fighting technique."

"Why does an intern need to work on fighting technique?"

"Because your dad told me to?"

"Alright, fair enough." I wait for a second as he stands there. "Can I watch you?"

"Uh, sure." We make eye contact for a second, and I'm about to ask why he isn't doing anything, but then I remember I'm leaning against the dummy. I back off and go by the wall.

I decide not to be a total creep, and do something on my phone for a little bit, and try to not exactly ignore but make it seem like I'm trying not to be obvious about the fact that I'm watching Peter work out.

Until Aunt Natasha walks in.

"Hey, Pete. How's it coming?"

"Good." He does one of those spin-kick things and takes the dummy down, and those things weigh more than I do.

Okay, definitely attracted to him a lot more than before.

"Nice, have you seen the rest of the penthouse?"


"Hey, Harley?" I look up from my seat on the counter. "Come show Peter around the house while he takes a break from destroying our property." He gives a sheepish smile as I walk over to him.

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