AcaDec Team

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Also nope


"I'm really sorry Mr. Harrington, but I'm busy Saturday." He sighs.

"Peter, this is a big deal. We just won regionals, and I want to reward all of the team, which includes yo—"

"I know I know I'm sorry, but I have family flying in." Not exactly a lie. Cassie and Shuri are basically my sisters.

"I mean I could try to reschedule it—"

"No no no, Mr. Harrington it's okay. I'll just make sure to be there for the trip when we win nationals." He pats me on the shoulder.

"We gotta get there first, kid."

"And we will." I look at my watch. "I gotta go, Mr. Harrington. See you tomorrow!" I leave, remembering that I need to patrol before going home. I walk into the alleyway I always suit up in, and find a lot of people. So I turn and walk the other direction. That's not happening. I'll just suit up at home.



I wake up weirdly early on Saturday, because MJ called.

"Harrington said you couldn't make it."

"Yea, family is flying in."

"Mhm." Wow, I can taste the sarcastic look she's giving me.

"Okay, the Langs are flying in. And Shuri and T'Challa." I start getting dressed because I have training in an hour.

"Ah. Tell them all I said hi."

"Well, where are you going?"

"He won't tell us. Said it's a surprise."

"Sounds like Mr. Harrington." I roll my eyes.

"He says hi, by the way. The whole team does."

"Ooh put me on speaker!"

"You are now on speaker, guys listen up, Peter's gotta say something."

"Hi everyone! Sorry I couldn't be there! We have absolutely killed it so far. Have fun on the trip and stay safe, this is New York, after all." I hear a chorus of hi's and okay's.

"If we do get into trouble, won't your good friends the Avengers just help us out?" I roll my eyes at Flash.

"I mean, they are pretty busy today, so you guys might be on your own." I joke. There is a knock at my door.

"Oh, you're up. Breakfast is in ten." I nod at Aunt May. "Wanda and Bucky are cooking." I smile.

"I'll be down as soon as I put on pants." I hear laughter and I remember I am on the phone. Dang it. May just laughs. "You don't get to laugh, May." I throw a pillow at the door.

"Guys! Peter just announced to his friends that he wasn't wearing pants!" I cringe at Aunt May yelling to the rest of everyone.

"I'm never gonna live that down."

"Nope." Ned laughs.

"Well, I have to go before this gets anymore embarrassing. Have fun you guys."

"Bye Peter!" I toss my phone back down on my bed and finish getting dressed before heading down.

"Good mornin' sunshine." Harley greets as I enter.

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