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Shuri x MJ


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! I'm running late, again.

"Hey, Peter. May forgot to sign your sheet so I signed it." Dad tells me as I impatiently pour myself coffee into my thermos.


"Happy and everyone are already in the car."

"Why do they never wake me up?" 'Everyone' being Abby and Morgan. Abby goes to the middle school I went to, and Morgan goes to the elementary school I went to. Harley goes online until Dad can get everything worked out at Midtown, so of course he's not gonna wake me up. I actually accidentally dragged him out of bed this morning (he was wrapped up in blankets and attached to me as always).

"I don't know, kid. But go, or you'll be super late.


"Peter, can you stay back for a second?" Ned, MJ, and Betty give me a look, but I wave them on. It's the end of the day, and I think I know what Mr. Harrington is gonna say.

"Yes sir?" He holds up my permission slip.

"Can you tell me what's wrong with this?" I look at it, and what happened this morning comes back to me. Shit.

"Um... It's signed in glitter gel pen? Sorry about that I don't think he was awake enough to-"



"While I agree a bright pink glitter gel pen is not the most professional utensil to use when signing school forms, it's not what's wrong. I can't accept a signature from someone that is not on your emergency contact list, let alone someone you don't know." I should argue, but I don't have the energy, so I just sigh. "I'm sorry but I can't let you go on the trip." I just look at him.


"This little lie of yours has gone too far, Peter. It was one thing when it was just you saying you have an internship, but this-" He gestures with the slip. "-this is too far."

"It's not a lie, but okay. Can I go now?" He nods. I turn and leave, texting the group chat what just went down.

Bettyr Than You: :(( that sucks Peter I'm sorry

MmmmmJay: why does no one fuckn believe???

Nerd: that's stupid, sorry Pete we'll tell you how it goes :( wyd Friday now?

Yeeter: probably just gonna stay at the tower and chill. I think Shuri is supposed to come up sooo

MmmmmJay: ooooo

Yeeter: yes mj you can come over as soon as you want

MmmmmJay: I was coming over whether you want me too or not, hoe.

Yeeter: I figured

I put my phone in my pocket as I get in Happy's car.

"Hey kid, rough day?" He always knows.

"Dad signed one of my slips and now I'm not allowed to go on the trip." I say, buckling my seat belt.

"Do I need to call the school and straighten it out?" He pulls out of the school parking lot and we head for the middle school. He's dating May, so I guess the school will listen to him.

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