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My school is off for two weeks, at least, my dad is about to be unemployed bc his job is shutting down, I have a lot of work to do, we are stocking up on shit while my dad has money, and my friends are either quarantined or begging to hang out with someone.

Have a crappy one shot about how the IronFam would deal with being quarantined.

Canon ships (+clintasha)

No warnings (unless isolation? Kinda? Mentions of the virus?)



Everyone has become quarantined. It sucks. We are all stuck in the Tower for at least two weeks. Not even Tony can leave the country, or hell, even New York. Everything is shut down. I've become a YouTuber to pass the time. Since no paparazzi can get to us I've officially been announced as the heir to Stark Industries, and so my YouTube channel has a lot of Q'n'As mostly from my classmates and the press who we are not letting conduct online interviews.

There is next to no crime because no one allowed out of the house, and I still patrol, due to the suit protecting me from exposure to a number of substances including viruses, and my heightened healing factor.

We still do online classes, but instead of it being like a giant Skype call, our teachers just post the work on their website or google Classroom or their preferred mode of online reach, and we do it and turn it in by the due date.

Honestly the only big difference is that my friends can't come over. We do FaceTime but it isn't the same. Shuri has given me one of those bead things that does holograms, but like, we have that tech here just different. It's really boring, and this is coming from someone who lives with a billionaire and like thirty superheroes. I can not imagine what everyone else is going through, and I feel so bad for them.

I'm constantly video chatting someone, but still. Everyone I know of is suffering from that thing where you don't wanna do something until someone says you can't. We were content staying home and doing stuff here until the government (who can suck a fat one) says "nope" Now all we want to do is go trapezing through the city.

The government: go to work/school/outside

Us, literally every other time of the year: I want to stay home and do nothing.

The government: tells us to stay home


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To give you any clue on just how bored all of us are, we are having a nerf war.

This is after:

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