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"On the bed"

I stand against the wall, eyes bouncing from the bed to his unbothered face. My heart thumping, knocking against my ribs, begging to be set free from my body which only ever caused it pain. Jittery fingers digging into the material of my cheap dress.

"Maybe wait a few more days-", I whisper, sounding like a dying engine. I was going to cry soon. "Did I not give an order?", he tilt his head. "Do you understand what order means?", he mocked. "I haven't-", I begin but he shook his head , placing his index back to his lips. "Take off the dress. Its either you do it or I will", he threatened. I gulp , not knowing how to get out of this nightmare. Should I pinch myself? I want to wake up now. Ever so slow , I bring up a hand , undoing the strings holding up the dress. His dark glares wasn't helping the situation. I wish I could have stopped the tears from leaking down my crimson cheeks. I wish he cared. I wish my parents weren't so greedy for wealth. I wish they loved me enough.

The dress glide off my burning flesh, bunching around my feet which were planted into the ground. He scrunched his face at the sight of my nakedness. Insecurity and anxiety struck all at once. I was grateful to still have a thin piece of material wrapping my body. Was he disgusted by my choice of undergarments?

"You call that sexy?", he scoffed. "It's fucking distasteful ", he spat but still yanked my hand , pulling me off the wall as if I were a rag doll. I yelp and fall onto the bouncy mattress. "I expected a hotter wife-", he grumbled while kicking off his slacks, keeping his underwear on. I shiver, staring up the boring white ceiling which were decorated with black patches. The tears never seized. They were volcanic against my delicate skin. My hands clutched against my heaving chest. Lips quivering. "Spread-", he swat my thigh and I squeak in shock. "Spread them-",he repeat. I was frozen. I couldn't move an inch. Why was this happening to me? I've never harmed an insect my entire life.

"Okay-", he sighed before gripping my legs. Nails digging into my flesh. "Ou-", I finally move, wanting to scream as he forced my legs apart. "Stop ! Stop!", I am screaming now. Wondering if the neighbors cared. Were they listening to my shrieking? "Stop-", I choke. The slap that landed on my cheek caused me to accidentally bite down on my tongue. "Ou-", I sob. The taste of my own blood fused with my saliva as I beg myself to stop shivering and hysterically sobbing . "Why are you screaming?", he gripped my jaw, staring down into my flooded eyes. "Why?", his frown deepened. His body laying between my thighs.

"I'm sorry-", I whisper. "Good-", his tone annoyed. "I hurt my tongue-", I sniffle. "Let me see", his gaze lowering to my lips. I was frozen again. Afraid. "Show me", he tapped my lips with his index. Slowly I part them, sticking out my bleeding tongue. Dipping his head, he wrapped his lips around my tongue. My hands clutch the sheets underneath our bodies as he began kissing me. The tears hadn't given up yet. I could feel them. I could hear my heart. Eventually I was forced to give in and follow the movement of his soft lips on mine. His tongue exploring my mouth. He tasted of wine and cigarettes. His cologne surrounded my existence. Sweet and strong.

The second my fingertips touch his biceps , he halt, pulling away from my breathless lips. Flaming eyes glaring at my hands in midair. "Did I give you permission to touch me?", his question had me shivering again. "Did I?", his eyes meet mine and I shake my head. "Make that mistake again and I'll break off your arms-", he seethe , removing his body from mine. I sniffle and immediately sit up , watching him stride to the wardrobe, getting dressed. "You ruined my fucking night ", he nagged , throwing on a t-shirt and sweatpants. "You better not be in my room when I return ", he shot me a glance before walking out.

Where would I go?

Where does he want me to go?

This was home now.

-end of flashback-

07 : 44 am

My cheek was imprinted with his hand. The makeup just wasn't enough to cover up. My leg hadn't stopped shaking since the moment I walked through those office doors. Call it what you want but I was purely nervous. I needed a job. I hoped this was the one.

"Sorry to keep you waiting ", the tanned man walked in, shutting the door behind us. "It's okay", I politely whisper as he took a seat across me. His eyes bouncing from my resume to my face. "I expected you to appear older ", he chuckled. How does one respond to that? "Being a waitress isn't easy-", he drummed his fingertips on the wooden desk between us. His nails far too long and dirty. How does this man own a café when he's so unpleasantly dirty?

"Im guessing this will be your first job ". I give a nod , "yes sir". He lift the resume , gave a hum then set it back down. "Since you're a student ,I'll take you in. Students need money and I'm a good man", his grin made me cringe. "Your hours will be flexible ", he explained. "Since your morning is clouded with college, I'd expect your evening to be filled with this Café ", he raised a brow and I nod my head. Anything to be away from that house. "I'll be considerate ", he promised, extending his hand which I firmly shake. "Welcome to my team Anastasia ". For the first time in months , my heart was happy. "Thank you", I smile. "Come in tomorrow at 1pm. There are extra uniforms in the stock room. Isabel will help you choose whichever fits", he released my hand and I get to my feet. "Thank you so much", I couldn't stop smiling. "Beautiful girls are always welcome here ",, his teeth alittle yellow when he grinned widely.

My first job. I was proud of myself. Sure it's not much but I got here without the help of anyone. I don't need anyone. I never did.

13 : 23 pm

Dragging my feet around the street corner. I rub my aching waist but push on. Dogs howling in the distance while neighbors fought. The area wasn't glitz and glam.

College was better today. I had success avoided jungkook and his drama. I had no time to entertain his childish tantrums. My hand lift, pushing open the steel gate which screeched. The sight of his friends hanging out on the porch made me want to turn around and go somewhere until they disappeared. Unfortunately, they had seen me already.

"There she is ", brice waved. Josh and Greg were smoking god knows what. I remove the spare house key taehyung had given me from my bag and stroll to the door without greeting them. "Princess thinks she's all that", Greg scoffed. "Hurry up-", he swat my ass and I yelp, dropping the keys. "Fuck, just move ", he pushed me aside and unlocked the door. "Never been spanked before?", Josh chuckled and they walked in ,leaving me standing on the porch close to sobbing again. This was sexual harassment ! Drawing in a deep breath, I swallow the lump in my throat before heading in.

"Could you come in here-", one of them called. I remove my shoes and make my way into the living room which reeked of burning cigarettes. "Come closer , I won't bite ", brice smirked . My eyes bouncing around their smug faces before I hesitantly go to stand before him. "Ever given head?", his question made the other 2 laugh but left me confused. "What?", I raise a brow and they laughed louder. "69?", he chuckled. I hated that they made a fool of me. "I'm going-", I whisper ,turning to walk out when he roughly grabbed me, holding me up against the wall. "Don't play hard to get. Tae said you're not much to look at but you turn me on", he inhaled my neck and I punch his chest with my tiny fists. "Get off!", I scream. I could feel his breath against my heated skin. I hated this! "Let's see if you've got a pretty cunt", he whispered. The other 2 laughing at what he was doing to me. The feeling of his hand unbuttoning my jeans made me SCREAM. I was screaming. Tears cascading and lungs about to burst. "Stop!", I punch harder only to receive a slap across my cheek. "Don't be shy", he mocked.

"The fuck is going on?".

All movement and screaming halt as we turn to find taehyung standing at the entrance. His eyes on me. "Brice?", he raised a brow . "Just entertainment ", he slurred, nails digging into my arms. Taehyung remained silent for a brief moment. "Anastasia, go to your room", he ordered. I wriggle out of the mans hold and don't hesitate to bolt out. I didn't bother to stay to hear their conversation. The stairs cried out as I rushed up them to get to my room. I felt claustrophobic. My heart pounding in my head. He was going to rape me.

He was going to rape me.

Any thoughts on tae stopping him???

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now