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"I hope your husband doesn't mind".

"He doesn't ".

I give her hand alittle squeeze. "I'm sorry the room isn't big enough ", I whisper. Her eyes scan my bedroom before she raises a brow. "Yours? Do you both sleep apart?". I clear my throat awkwardly before shaking my head. "No , i meant my guest bedroom ". She gives a soft smile which barely reached her eyes. "It's perfect. I can't thank you enough Anastasia ". I couldn't stop holding her hand. She was still shaken up and so was I. "I've never had someone to open up too-", she sniffled. "I'm here ", I reach out , wiping her cheeks. "It's not something easy opening up about " , I tried my best to keep my voice as low as possible. I did not want taehyung overhearing.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into my problems ", she hiccups. "Gwen, don't apologize. I chose to help you", I bring her closer for an embrace. "Thank you ", she sobbed. Honestly I couldn't hold in my tears. They leaked out onto my burning cheeks. "Thank you", her embrace was tight. As if she was afraid to let go. She's been through so much. I thought I had a bad life. There are others out there suffering far worse obstacles.

22:21 pm

I gather myself before finally entering his bedroom. This was the second time being in here. The first was after our wedding when he had pinned me down. Those memories haunt me. To think, he could have forced himself on me but he didn't.

He was already asleep. The door squeaked as I shut it. Today was horrible. Why did I believe in better days? A brighter future? Smaller obstacles? Genuine smiles.

I get into bed , turning my back to him. Just like Gwen,  I had no one. I couldn't even pick up the phone and call my parents. They had no time for me. I couldn't help but feel as if they had gotten me married just to get rid of me. My nails sink into the pillow as I sob harder. I could hear myself cry. So painful. I did not feel alone , I felt lost. No where to turn , no one to ask for help. No direction, no way out of this darkness. I felt claustrophobic. I couldn't breathe. My lungs were shutting down. Someone was pressing against my heart so it'd stop.

Kill me already.

I was sexually harassed, many times. Brice, rio, jungkook and now Leonard. I hate men.

The bed dipped before I hear him pace to the door. I sniffle , lifting my head to watch him walk out. Guess my weeping disturbed his sleep. Guess I was right.

I have no one.

10 : 23 am

"You really didn't have to come in early".

"I don't have any classes today".

Kyra smiles and walks away. I didn't show early because I'm eager to wipe up tables and serve. I'm here for Gwen. She was busy mopping the staff room. Mr Leonard hadn't showed yet, I hope he's embarrassed by what he did. He should be disgusted! It's unfortunate that we can't report him to the  cops. Gwen had given consent even though she didn't want too. She was desperate for his help and that swine took advantage of her beauty.

"Ana, should we get new uniforms?". I lift my eyes to Mia. "What's wrong with these?", I gesture to the skirt and blouse. "It's alittle boring ", she twirled. "Maybe something shorter with laced details. Tight tops to make my breasts pop. Like anime", she winked. The thought of those new outfits made me feel sick. "I like this", I whisper. "Fine, you're such a bore. I'm going to ask for other opinions ", she took the milkshake tray and left.

We weren't cartoon characters. We were human beings. Women who would be lust after. Men would gawk , ladies would judge. We were role models for youngsters. Besides , Mr Leonard will have a blast if we got new uniforms. His eyes would bulge out his sockets.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now