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08 : 21 am

Anastasia's pov:

Before I stir, my body strikes with pain. Felt like lightening bursting through the heavens and smashing into the ground we walk upon. I couldn't move an inch without hissing through tight teeth and flinching as if I were a fish out of water. My eyes flutter open to a dim bedroom – Taehyungs bedroom. The curtains still shut , door open slightly. He was not beside me.

Last night – it felt as if my head was smashed open on a rock and my memories thrown into the depths of the ocean. It was a haze. I couldn't recall much apart from being an escort to taehyung leaving me alone with those sick men. Rico stuck a needle in my arm – my eyes dart to where he had pricked. The faint mark still greeting me. Everything after that was a big scary blur. With a heavy sigh , I force myself to get out of bed. The soles of my feet burn with each tiny step. I needed to find taehyung. He held the answers to what happened and how I got home. The man even changed my clothes.

If this were a crime scene – the cops would easily find my prints in this house. I held onto the walls , stair rail , furniture – while struggling to move this flesh body. Nausea and headaches were my enemies today. My stomach churned in the most unsettling manner. Keeping my eyes open was a task.

The front door was open and I guessed taehyung must be outside – I was right. "Taehyung ", I mumble under my breath. I'm sure he heard me ,but remained silent. Sitting on the porch,  back faced to me. He was still in his suit. "Tae-", I whisper as I move around him. His dull eyes staring ahead. I almost collapse at the sight of him. "Taehyung-", I drop to my knees. Pain bashing my skull open. I gladly push it aside and place my hands on his knees. "Taehyung ", I whisper again. His white shirt now crimson. He reeked of blood. Face bruised, streaks of red glittering on his pale skin. His eyes finally lower to me. "Anastasia-", he reached out , touching my cheek. "What happened?", I gulp. Fear spearing my soul. What did he do. "You're okay", he stroked my cheek which was drained. No blood flowed. I couldn't breathe. My lungs were being stepped on. "What have you done?", the words tremble out my quivering lips. "What needed to be done", he whispered – resting his forehead against mine. "You're okay", he said again.

I was afraid.

Not of him.

But what would happen next. If he killed someone – I don't want him leaving me. I don't want him going to prison. "It's going to be okay", he reassured me as I sobbed. I couldn't stop the tears which flooded my face. "Hey-", he pulled back to make eye contact. "I'll be fine. Knowing you're fine is more than enough to keep me going", he stroked my wet cheek with his thumb. "What happened?", I hiccup. He sighs, looking over my head before meeting my glossy gaze. "My gun enjoyed the party", a smirk forming on his lips. "Tae, did you kill someone?", I forced myself to ask. I did not want to know the answer – but I guess I needed to know. "Someone?", he continued to smirk like a psychopath. "Was it my fault?", I gulp. I prayed it was not. I did not want blood on my hands.

"For you – I'd burn the world".

For me? His eyes staring into mine before he dipped forward – pressing his lips to mine. I shift , wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled my body against his. It's as if his beauty washes away his sins from my heart. I would have never guessed we'd end up tolerating each other. Falling for each other. He was a breath of fresh air. His hand held me still while his tongue roamed my mouth. I would rate this as perfect but the wailing of sirens in the distance made my heart clench. Slowly I broke away , sniffling again. "It's okay", he planted a soft kiss to my cheek before helping us both to our feet.

The sirens died down as the cops halt infront of us. "Taehyung ", I cling to his hand. "Go live with your parents for a few days", he kissed my forehead, pulling his hand out of mine. "Tae–", I'm an ugly cryer. "Anastasia, please listen to me", he paced away , holding out his wrists. "You've got alot of nerve", the cop said while handcuffing him. "Jacob – nice to see you too", taehyung deadpan. "You got the right to a lawyer ", the cop said while walking taehyung to the car. "Don't need one", taehyung glanced at me before getting into the backseat. The cop shot me a quick look before getting in and within a few seconds –they were gone. I sit back on the porch, wrapping my arms around myself. Why was I a fuck up? It's because of me they took him away. I did this.

Taehyung is probably afraid and alone.

10 years ago

"Why - the - fuck - did - you - call - me - an - asshole?".

The sound of water dripping out the bathroom taps lingered. Rick stood in a corner , a smirk on his face. "Why!", taehyung yelled. The sharpened toothbrush plunging into the dead man laying on the cold floor. Blood swarming around them. "Kim - the dead can't speak", Rick chuckled. "I understand the language of demons ", taehyung scoffed, dropping the toothbrush and falling onto his back. Killing men within these walls had become easy. After almost murdering Georgie – he had become of one the most feared men within the state prison. After 3 months of joining Ricks crew , his kill count was – 21. If he hated the way someone looked at him and  spoke to him – he would not hesitate to kill.

He got away with murder.

He had no fear within his soul.

"You good ?", Rick nudged his leg with his foot. "Yeah", taehyung stared up at the white ceiling. "What's on your mind?", Rick sat , leaning against the wall. "How'd I get here? It's not draining but It isn't what I desire either", taehyung whispered. "Listen kid. That girl at the bar being raped and kidnapped was not your fault. You had only transported the drug. Don't let those thoughts linger. Infact- those men are suppose to be in here. Not you", Rick shook his head. Taehyung was sentenced for transporting Flunitrazepam. A drug used for trafficking. "If you allow women to run you life. Then you're a fucked man", Rick shift his gaze to the dead man. "Ian over there was married. Sentenced for abuse". Taehyung sat , combing his hands through his hair. "Women will do anything to crush a man. We are the dominant species. The faster you learn that , the stronger your heart and mind will be", Rick stood, holding out his hand. Taehyung smiled , clasping his hand and standing. "I'll teach you how to fuck without strings", Rick winked.

"No strings sounds great", taehyung chimed as they strolled out the shower room.

End of flashback

"I never thought I'd see your ass again ", Jacob said while uncuffing Taehyung underneath a bridge. "Yeah? Me too", taehyung rubs his wrists before slipping his hands into his pants pockets. "Benjamin told me to arrest you", Jacob admit. Taehyung was not surprised. "So why are you releasing me?", he smirked at the short cop who grinned. "How can I put the king behind bars? I barely know Ben,  but I've watched you throughout the 3 years you spent in state prison. You and Rick always stirring problems", he sighed. Taehyungs mind drift to Rick. That asshole drugged Anastasia. "So – did you really shoot 3 men in public eye?", Jacob was interested. "Strings are bad jake", taehyung pat the man's shoulder. "How's your wife?", he drift from the topic. "She's well. Expecting baby number 3", Jacob chuckled. Taehyung gave a genuine smile, "Good".

"Since there were no witnesses who came forward to back up Ben's accusations. I'm letting you go. There's no point in taking you to the station", Jacob trailed. "Just lay low for a few weeks. Ben will be after you. Those Americans too". Taehyung shook his hand, "I owe you". Jacob smiled and got into the car. "Stay out of trouble kim", with that he drove off. Taehyung inhaled sharply, looking around at the barren lands. He hoped Anastasia listened to him and went to stay with her parents. He wasn't planning on heading home any time soon.

A/n -
I swear yalls comments got me sobbing ♡
I fucking love you all. Thank you for taking time to read my books. Promise to keep chapters flowing .

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