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00 : 21 am

Chewing on a belt.
Chewing on my index.
Head throbbing.
Eyes leaking.

And more wrapping.

After a night of toxicity and picking up shattered glass. I'm here, propped up on the kitchen island, cleaning the wounds I had inflicted on myself. Intentional and unintentionally. The glass had slit through my palm like a razor. Unintentional. The bruises on my thighs. Intentional.

There was not much to wipe up these scars. A bowl of warm water mixed with salt. I had got some bandages and bandaids from the medical kit I had brought from my parents home. Being the clumsy person I was , I knew it would come in handy.

I was still processing last night.

So much hate toward Taehyung. For what? Their arrogance was keeping him at a distance. Sure his life was in shambles and  he was a stubborn brute. But maybe if they addressed him with respect, he'd consider getting involved in family business. Namjoon looked like the prized ,perfect son. He dressed and smelled well. Rich. Their behavior disgusted me to the core. I didn't care that taehyung was angry. I had the right to stand up for him. I wasn't going to argue that point though. Not after he asked me to stay out of his life.

"Can I take a look?".

I almost drop the bowl when his voice startled me. Turning to the entrance, he's leaning against the frameworks, hands stuffed in his sweat pockets. "Sure", I whisper, watching him stride to where I sat. "I removed the piece-", i mention as he took my hand in his , inspecting my palm. "What's the belt for?", his eyes staring at my pink Jean belt. "Biting", I suddenly felt embarrassed. I couldn't cope with pain. Releasing my hand , he moved to the cupboard to retrieve a purple ointment in a plastic bottle. "This is to stop infections ", he add a drop to the cloth and gently applied it across the cut. It burned like the flames of hell. I chew on my index , counting sheep in my mind. "Here", he lift the belt. I blink, removing my index and sinking my teeth into the leather.

"Rather clumsy ", he whispered. "It was an accident ", I whisper back after removing the belt and laying it aside. "Clumsy", he repeat, beginning to wrap the palm. "That's tight", I breathe. "Good. That's the whole point ", his response made me sigh.

"What happened to your thighs?".

My gaze lowered to the scratch and violently dug wounds gracing my pale skin. "Force of habit", I answered truthfully. "That's a bad habit". We were having a conversation. No arguments, no harsh comments , no abusive acts. Just a simple ,quiet conversation. I hadn't realized how handsome this man was. His personality was putrid but his features were stunning. Ethereal. "I'm sorry for last night ", I say as he began to wipe the ointment over my thighs. "God-", I stare up at the ceiling, tears welling. "Breathe ", he whispered, pressing the cloth to my flesh. "That's horrible", I sniffle. "You don't have to apologize ", he said after placing the cloth aside. "Just hold your tongue and all will be fine". I lower my glossy gaze to meet his.

"I'll be fine when you ask your friends to leave me alone ", I had to bring up brice. What he had done was unacceptable. I was not a toy. I'm his wife. "Where were you yesterday?", he chose to ignore what I had said. "College. I managed to get a job, at a café ". He nod , settling his hands on the island, caging me. "Good", he just stared at me. Well, I stare back. This was awkward. He eventually reached up , cupping my cheek. His hand soft, warm, gentle. Not the touch I've got so adapted too.

There goes my once calm heart. Beating in my mind as he leaned in closer. The smell of cigarettes lacing the air around us. Lips inches apart. He had only kissed me twice. At the alter and on our so called honeymoon. I could feel his thumb stroking my cheekbone. I didn't have the courage to pry open my eyes but I knew he was probably watching me. The touch of his nose against my cheek made me inhale. "You're soft", he whispered. "I am?", I open my eyes, staring at the fridge while he inhaled my scent. "You are", his fingers sinking into thigh, making sure not to touch the injured zones. "Taehyung-", I place my hands on waist and I swear he flinched and backed away faster than he touched me. My eyes wide and alert as he stared at me.

"I'm sorry", was the only thing that came to mind. "Fuck ,Anastasia ", he cussed and walked out. "I'm sorry", I hop off the counter and follow him. "Taehyung, I didn't mean to ", I ruined the moment. The one time he was ever gentle and warm toward me. He had asked me not to touch him but there I go and do it.

"Just leave me alone", he was back to cocky and rude. "Taehyung ", I watch him put on his sneakers. "Where are you going? ", I ask but got ignore. The sharp knock on the front door made my insides churn. Seeing that he was still pacing around the living room , I go to open the door, it's definitely his friends. Before I could pull open the door , it came flying toward my face. "What-", I gasp,  colliding into the wall instead of being smacked to death by a door. "Another whore?", the tall unknown man scoffed. Tan and rocking dreadlocks. "Can I help you?", I furrow my brows , pushing myself off the wall.

"Who the fuck are you?", he asked. "Who's asking?", I raise a brow. "Rick ", taehyungs voice drew the man's attention. "Can we leave ?", he asked taehyung who was now at my side. "Yeah, give me a minute ", taehyung drawled. The man simply nod and left. "Do not speak to men that come into this house ", he scold. "Do you understand?", he frowned and I nod. "Lock the door", was the last thing he said before leaving with the weird man.

Taehyung had a strange life. An illegal one. Maybe working with his father will do him good. He needed an upgrade. He needed to quit being sucked into the living life on the edge world.

He needed to quit being an asshole.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now