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Her eyes were glued to him. They hadn't spoken a word since they got home. Silence was not what they needed right now—but they had nothing to say.

Anastasia sat on the bed, watching him tend to the bruises imprinted around her pale wrists. His jaw clenched and veins popping. It pissed him off that she was so fragile and easy to pull around. Killing those bastards were not enough. He wished he could pay them a visit in hell and make them pay all over again. He had been gone for days. Anastasia did not ask for details. She did not need them — he was home. He always managed to get to her right on time.

"Jacob told me where you were ", he finally broke the silence. "He called me up to say you've been asking for me and that you rushed into the lions den without hesitation ", his eyes lift to find hers — glossy and glimmering under the lights. "Are you trying to get yourself killed, baby?", he placed aside the cloth soaked in ointment. Anastasia remained hushed, fighting the pricking tears. "I had to lay low. I had asked you to go back to your parents place", he reached out to touch her cheek but she flinched away from his touch. Taehyung froze before withdrawing his hand, balling them up on his thighs.

"Listen to me— if anything happens to you. I will fucking burn down the world. Follow orders. It's all I ask of you", he whispered, keeping his eyes on her rosy cheeks. He wanted nothing more than to kiss them. He loved how much she blushed. She was also a pretty cryer. "I was only gone for 4 days, love. You missed me?", he tried to lighten the mood. The air around them felt thick and heavy. He was suffocating. He needed to hear her voice. Even if she cussed him , he'd accept it. "No baby–", he sighed as the tears toppled onto her cheeks. Her small nose scrunched as she sobbed. "Anastasia ", he was quick to get her onto his lap. She curled her arms around his neck , knees sinking into the bed on either side of his thighs. "I'm here —", he trailed as she buried her face into his neck and bawled her eyes out. Her embrace was tight , she was afraid. He knew she was afraid. He hated that she was. Taehyung would go to lengths to protect her. She did not know what her husband was capable of.

He was a ruthless monster.

"Anastasia ", he rubbed her back while she shivered against him. "Tae–", she choked, hiccups following. "Baby", he stood with her wrapped around him like a koala. "My sweet girl", he set her down on the soft mattress, him between her legs. "I'm right here. I was only gone a few days ", he wiped her wet cheeks but the tears continued. "I–know. But , I was so scared", she sniffled. "I thought they killed you", she sobbed again. "No princess. It'll take alot to put me 6 feet under ", he couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. Someone was actually crying for him? She was afraid he was dead?

Taehyung and emotions were like oil and water. They weren't compatible until he met Anastasia. There was something about her having the title wife– his wife. He would go against anyone for her. He acted on instinct to protect her. Sure , their relationship started off rocky. He forced himself to hate her. To be nasty toward her. But — the man was obsessed with her. The way she walked, spoke, breathed, blinked...Taehyung was swooning, simping.

"I'm here", he whispered, pressing a long kiss to her forehead.

"I'm here".

23 : 21 pm

"I understand. But I have to lay low", taehyung whispered, phone pressed to his ear as he paced around their bedroom. "I get it but moving from this neighborhood isn't on the list. No fucking way ", he rolled his eyes , hoping the person on the other end of the line could hear the eye roll. "Ofcourse I want her to be safe", he muttered, eyes shifting to Anastasia who was sound asleep, wrapped in the sheets. She was gorgeous. Her skin dancing in the moonlight pouring in through the window. She looked like a doll.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now