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☆ - this star represents time skip. Meaning this star shows their relationship developing over time. They're little memories of how they have bonded so far.


"Are you sure you aren't the ceo?", Anastasia teased while doing his tie. "I wouldn't want to crush joons world ", tae smirked and gave her a kiss. "But you'd look so much better behind that desk", she sighed. "Correct", Yuki chimed. They both turn to her as she stuffed her mouth with cereal. "Argh, Yuki. Slow down kid", tae groaned. "But we will be late", she chewed louder. "Yuki , please eat the apple today", Ana pinched her cheek while handing her the lunch bag. "Will do", Yuki salute after putting her bowl into the basin.

"Okay kid, grab your books", tae said while throwing on his coat. Anastasia wait for Yuki to run out of the kitchen before she threw her arms around him. "Am I getting a gift when you get home?", she smiled. Taehyung raised a brow , "Just because you get a day off from work ?", he asked. "No silly. Because you owe me for being a good wife", she grinned as he kissed her nose. "What do you want baby?", he whispered.

"You", she bat her lashes. "You have me", he whispered. "Then give me more!", she laughed as he rolled his eyes. "You are hanging with Yuki way too much, wife. You're having like a child ".

"Not bad kid", tae high fived her after marking her height on the wall. "I'm growing", she gave him a playful punch. "Ana feeds you way too much", he nudged her as he stood. "You eat more than me ,Kyōdai ", she mumbled. "Because I need the strength ", he raised a brow. "What for?", she squint. "For chasing you around the house!", he tried to grab her but she sprint away.

"Tae, have you seen my red coat?", Ana sighed out as she fell onto the couch. "Not that I recall ", he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. "I need it for work", she whined. "You can borrow mine", he sat beside her. "Just say you want me to wear your clothes", she smirked. "I want you to wear my clothes", he poked her cheek with his index. "You're chubby", he pulled her into his arms. "Am not", she cuddled against his chest. "Are too ", he kissed the top of her head. "Kyōdai ", Yuki hopped beside them, laying her head against his shoulder. "You need cuddles too?", he draped his arm around her.

"He's so warm", Yuki whispered to Ana who nod in agreement. "He's a werewolf ", Ana joked and they both laugh. Taehyung rolled his eyes. He loved how they'd gang up on him.

"Stop-feeding this kid", he whispered to Ana while carrying Yuki to her room. "Don't be a cry baby", Ana chuckled. "She's becoming a beast", he smiled as he laid her on the bed. "A cute beast", he add and gave her forehead a kiss. "Goodnight angel".

Anastasia held out her arms. "Carry me to my bed too". Taehyung pulled her into her arms and tossed her over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes. "I meant like a princess ", she swat his back as he playfully bite down on her ass. "Ouch", she squeaked as he carried her down the passage , into their bedroom. "Where are your manners", she huffed out before getting thrown onto the bed. "Taehyung ", she scold but hushed when his lips met hers.

"I love you ", he whispered. "I love you", she moaned into his mouth. "Then show me", his hands skim up her thighs.

"Show me how much you love me, Anastasia ".

"A bike!", Yuki screamed so loud, they were sure she had shattered the neighbors windows. "Please becareful!", Ana yelled as Yuki hurriedly climbed onto it. "Okay spider girl. Take it easy", taehyung helped her. She may have turned 11 but this was the first bicycle she had ever owned.

"Thank you Kyōdai ", she smiled as he adjust the training wheels. "Ana, I'll be safe! Kyōdai is tagging along ", she flipped up her thumb, earning a smile from Anastasia.

She was so proud of Taehyung. He had become the man she always knew he was deep down. It's been almost 9 months since they've taken Yuki into their home. Honestly, they've been missing out on this bliss and joy all along. Yuki had become a beam of light in their lives. Yuki made taehyung smile till his cheeks hurt. Ana loved watching them bond. There was no update on her mother and their father steered clear from ever seeing Yuki.

But it was all okay - Yuki didn't need him. She had Ana and Taehyung. She had never experienced such genuine happiness in all her life.

"Yah! Don't apply brakes so fast", taehyung scold.

"Tae", Ana arched as he thrust deeper. "Fuck", he moaned into her ear while she clawed at his back. "Don't make a noise ", he breathed and slipped his fingers into her panting mouth. "Such a good girl ", he ran his tongue along her jaw. "So fucking tight. I love stretching your little cunt ", he tugged on her earlobe while gagging her with his fingers. Her nails digging into his back.

"I love you so much wife", he removed his fingers, allowing her to breathe. "I-love you", she moaned as her toes curled into the sheets. "I love you" , he kept chanting into her ear as they both came undone. If he could tell her every second how much he loved her- he'd do it. He was content with their lives.

"Asshole! Why are you always waiting for me", Ana swat his arm as she exit the bank. "Because I can get you a cab faster", rick grumbled. "You're just a stalker ", she smiled. "I'm proud to say I've never stalked a woman until you", he smirked down at her. "I will shove this umbrella down your throat ", she waved it around.

Taehyung had got rick to escort Anastasia safely into a cab every day. Over time , the two had bonded. Rick never thought he'd see the day when he actually cared for her. He finally saw what taehyung loved about her. She was so filled with love and light. She was captivating without trying.

"Things going well with Yuki?", he asked. "It feels like a dream. I never want to wake up", she breathed. "Taehyung has grown", he whispered proudly. "Yes he has", she agreed.

"Do you like this shade of pink or that one?", Yuki watched as he inspect his nails. "I don't see the difference " , taehyung deadpan. "What do you mean Kyōdai! They are both different", she complained. "It looks the same. Besides, why do I have to be the tester? Why can't you try it on Ana?", he nagged. "Because Ana is busy and you have pretty hands", she grabbed ahold of his wrist and continued painting his nails. Taehyung rolled his eyes and just watched how focused she was.

"You look like a goat", he teased. "We're siblings. That would make you a goat too", she countered. "Shut it", he smacked the nail polish out of her hand and began attacking her with tickles. "Kyōdai!stop! Ana is going to kill us!", she laughed loudly.

"Oi you two! Did I not just clean-ahhh!", Ana yelped as her eyes stare down at the couch messed with pink polish. Taehyung and Yuki immediately point at each other. "He started it", she was quick to defend herself. "She wanted to paint my nails", taehyung grumbled. "I do not care. I want this place cleaned", she glared at them before walking out. "Brat", taehyung playfully shoved her. "Baka" (idiot), Yuki pulled his hair.

"Well?", Yuki whispered as Ana sat on the toilet lid. "What does it say?", the little girl was much more eager than Ana. "It says-", Ana blinked at the pregnancy test in her shivering hands.

"Positive ".

Yuki sprung up and hugged Anastasia who was tearing. Her arms wrap around the little girl. "Best day ever", Yuki whispered. "Best day ever", Ana repeat as she sobbed. "Don't cry", Yuki smiled as she backed up to wipe Anastasia's cheeks. "Tell Kyōdai when he gets back from work. And don't tell him without me", she pout. Anastasia chuckled and stroked her head.

"I will wait for you both to get home", she whispered.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now