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00 : 23 am

The bike came to a halt outside the small house. Their night filled with expensive wine, food and rich folks who spoke too loud and wore diamonds as if it were the cheapest jewelry. Anastasia got off the back of the bike, shoes sinking into the mud again. Taehyung got to his feet, helping her remove the helmet he had fastened. "Are you okay?", he asked as he set the helmet onto the bike seat. "It's the first time I've been on a bike. It was fun", she whispered, a smile tugging on her lips. Taehyung gave her head a little pet before they strolled into the house. She immediately kicked off her messy shoes. Ofcourse, taehyung did not bother about his shoes.

"I think I need a hot shower ", she whispered, walking behind him as he unzipped the prisoner uniform. "Me too", he looked at her over his shoulder. Her cheeks burned bright but before she could utter a word or sound , Ricks voice boomed. "I thought you were going to stay at your parents palace forever ", he appeared out of the kitchen, cereal bowl in his hands. They all halt. His eyes shifting from taehyung to Anastasia. "Am I dreaming?", a frown taking over his once calm face. Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose. He had had a long night. He didn't have time to pamper Rick. "Kim? What the fuck is she doing back here?", his voice louder than the bowl which he tossed aside, shattering onto the floor in pieces. Anastasia flinched but taehyung remained unphased. "Rick, can we do this later? I just need to sleep. I've got a fucking headache ", taehyung groaned. "I've got a fucking tumor just by looking at this bitch cling to you!", he drew out his gun, aiming it at Anastasia. "Tae-", she gasped ,but was swiftly tugged by taehyung who allowed her to use him as a human shield. His hand quick to yank out his own gun , holding it toward Rick. The man was stunned. His lips part but no words fell out, not even a gasp.

"Are you fucking serious?", he eventually whispered. "You're holding me at fucking gunpoint? For that slut you barely know?", he couldn't believe his own words. It had him chuckling. Taehyung furrowed his brows. He acted on instinct. When threatened, he'd defend himself. He feared no man. "Rick, lower your gun. Anastasia is not leaving and neither are you going to fucking scare her", his words bitter and stern. He meant every one. "Scare her? I'm going to put a bullet through her fucking head", Rick seethe. He loved taehyung. He practically raised him. "I will not allow this bitch to fuck up our bond or business!", He yelled. "She is not fucking up anything. You're the one acting like a fucking prick", taehyung deadpan. "First the punch? I ignored that! You wanna go around protecting this cunt? I allowed that! You leave a conversation with Ben to come check on her ? I fucking joined! But this? You're holding a fucking gun at me? ", Rick was venting. He had enough of seeing taehyung being Anastasia's puppy.

"I think you should leave", taehyung lowered his gun. Anastasia stood behind him, clutching onto the fabric of the uniform. Her hands and legs shivering. She felt like a human vibrator. "Yeah. Fuck off", Rick tucked away his gun before storming pass them and leaving. Taehyung rubbed his brow. His headache had worsened. "I'm going to shower", was all he mumbled before leaving her alone in the dim passage. Anastasia sniffled, shifting her glistening eyes to the broken bowl. That resembled their lives. Broken. Shattered. No way to possibly fix things.

Taehyung had shared his reasons for being locked away. He trusted her. He protected her. She had no clue if he was plotting behind her back. Using her innocence. Maybe he thought he could squeeze more money out of the rich girl. He would be totally wrong. She was penniless.


The droplets of water trickling down the tiled walls made Taehyung sigh. His life was a mess , just like his mind. The sound of the drizzling water pouring out the shower head, reminded him of rainfall in prison. Where he'd watch through the stained glass which was barricaded with steel bars. He never got to feel it wet his fingertips. He missed the smell of it. He wished he could lay on his back under the night sky and allow the heavenly waters to drench him.

He lift his hands gliding them through his soaked hair. He would never be namjoon , the perfect son. He was built for more than being a puppet. Deep down , he hated himself just as much as his father did. Yes, his father despised his very existence. He had mentioned this to him once. How much he hated his son for being different. But taehyung enjoyed being different, it made him unique. Not your usual varsity Mr popular. He never wanted to play basketball or chase after girls like they did In cheesy movies. He wanted to smoke pot and go to strip clubs. He wanted to ride bikes and not drive in a Ferrari,which they could afford.

He wanted to enjoy life. But was he truly enjoying it? He was miserable.

"Taehyung ".

He inhaled before glancing over his shoulder at Anastasia. Her eyes trailing down his back. "Do you need something?", he whispered, not having the energy to raise his voice above the gurgling water. Anastasia swallowed the lump in her throat. Heart pounding against her ribcage. "We have one bathroom ", she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Taehyung gave a lazy smile , gesturing her to join. Her jittery hands slowly begin to undress herself. "Please don't look" , she gulped. He couldn't help but shake his head at how shy she was , yet she wanted to shower with him. "Fine", he mumbled and turned to face the wall. "Why are you here?", he asked. "Well — I don't know. I just — I don't know", she continued to ramble while removing her bra. "You don't know? Do you want something?", he whispered as she stepped  into the cubicle. The water raining over her head. "I don't know", she looked down at their feet surrounded by water. Taehyung glanced over his shoulder before turning completely. Her eyes dart to his face , not wanting to accidentally glance at his exposed nakedness. "Why are you here?", he whispered. Her eyes watching the droplets roll down his sculptured details. He was so beautiful. A god. "After what you know. What I told you", he trailed.

"No one's perfect ", she whispered. His eyes locking with hers. "I've watched my parents do things under the covers. Fraudsters", she rolled her eyes at the thought. "I think that's far different than my confessions", he brought up his hands to cup her cheeks. "I should run", she said. "You should ", he smiled. "But I'm so tired to move ", she leaned into his touch. "I've been running my entire life. I've barely begun my journey yet I'm just so drained. Did you see us last night? We did not fit in with rich folks ", she lift her hands to drape around his wrists. "We're different –", she accepted. "Yes we are", he agreed.

"How'd you meet Rick?", she furrowed her brows. "He seems to care alot about you". Taehyung stroked his thumbs against her soft skin. She was undeniably stunning. He'd be a fool to lie that she didn't turn him on. "Anastasia ", he dipped his head to rest his forehead against hers. "Can we not discuss that", he whispered. Anastasia inhaled softly, placing her hands on his waist. "Sure", she mumbled just before his lips were on hers. His hands glide from her face to her hands. Taking her by her wrists and guiding them around his neck. She was surprised that he willingly allowed her to touch him. He wanted her too. "You taste so sweet", he flicked his tongue across her lips. "Wine", she gasped as he backed her up against the cold wall. "You've always tasted sweet", he wrapped a hand around her jaw, holding her in place as they kissed. Tongues slipping and sliding over each other. Her hands tugging at the ends of his mullet. For once , he didn't taste like cheap beer and cigarettes.

"Fuck–", he groaned as his erection pressed against her stomach. Her hands skimming from his hair to his biceps. Taehyung hooked a hand underneath her thigh,  drawing it up over his hip. "Taehyung ", she moaned as he rubbed his cock between her pink folds. "Have you ever been touched?", he asked for the hundredth time. She tilt her head , giving him access to kiss her neck. "You know I haven't ", she gasped. "It's an honor being your first", he chuckled, sucking on her skin. "My first?", she whispered as he lift his head and dropped her leg. "Yes", he stroked her flustered cheek.

"I'm going to fuck you".

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now