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"I don't know what's more fucked up...Not being able to do the job I've become so consumed by or working in the same building as with the two people I despised while growing up".

Anastasia lift her eyes to admire his scrunched, confused face. She never expected them to ever reach this point — laying in his arm, listening to his rants. The man was a maze but he had showed her the way through — or she'd like to believe she's out of the woods. "I think you'll do fine. Atleast your father allowed you into the family business. I thought he'd be a stuck up lunatic ", she whispered, earning a chuckle from Taehyung. "Yeah, they're all lunatics ", he kissed her forehead. "Are we lunatics?", she drew circles on his chest with her index. "No baby. You're an angel", he trailed. "What about you?", she asked.

"I–", he propped himself up on his elbow to stare down into her eyes which still glowed in their dark bedroom. "I am your husband. The other titles don't matter when I'm with you " , he inched closer until the space between them no longer existed. Her fingers twist and link with his black curls. Taehyung shifts so he's nestled warmly between her thighs. Their lips dancing insync. She tasted like heaven to a rotting sinner. Taehyung will always be hell bound. He knew he would never get a pass to heaven— but he didn't need it. He had Anastasia. She was a halo of light. His demons dropped to their knees when she entered. He would do anything for her. Love was  a far thought but he knew this relationship was forever.

Tomorrow was a dawn of a new chapter in his life. It never crossed his mind that he'd be working with his father and brother. He had no choice. Laying low meant accepting that he'd been pushed into a corner with no escape. Kim Taehyung had no escape. This would be his first defeat. The world of darkness had to be put aside for now.

San Quentin State Prison

"I – I promise. I would never rat you out".

"I have no idea how they found out...it wasn't me".

Rick scoffs down on the bleeding man. Mouth bust open, blood dripping onto the white floor which slowly turned crimson. Bloodshot eyes glistening with tears. On his knees is where they liked him. "Please , I didn't tell the cops who broke Toby's arm", he begged. Taehyung leaned against the wall, puffing out smoke rings while Rick continued to snicker at the shivering man. "I didn't do it!", he shrieked in fear. "How can we trust you,Phillip? I don't even trust myself ", taehyung muttered ,lowering his gaze to the sniffling man. "I swear, I didn't rat you out ". Rick stepped aside , allowing taehyung to take the reigns. "Please", he begged as Taehyung crouched to get to the man's level. "Don't sob like a wet pussy", taehyung snapped. Philip forced himself not to cry. His heart racing so fast ,it might just burst through his chest.

"You know despite the cops finding out about Toby. They still haven't pressed any charges. Toby himself hasn't uttered a word because he knows I'd break more than  his fucking arm if he spilled his guts to the cops". Taehyungs voice was enough to have Philip soaking his pants. "Disgusting ", Rick mocked the rattling man. "You're his best friend. I wouldn't blame you if you told", taehyung tilt his head,  taking in the man's pale face. "I didn't ", Philip sobbed again , earning a slap from Taehyung. "I said no crying", he grit. "Sorry ", Philip heaved. "Do you have a girlfriend?", taehyung asked. "Wife", the man answered. "Does she visit you?", Taehyung raised a brow as the man nod. "Bet she wouldn't want to visit a fucking body bag", he threatened in a low tone which made Philip fist his pants. "I don't wish to have this conversation with you again Philip ". Taehyung extend his hand, holding out the smoking cigarette. Philips eyes bounced from Taehyungs face to the cigarette. "I don't smoke", he whispered.

Taehyung smirked , staring alittle too long at the pale man smeared with his own  blood. "It's not for smoking. You don't get that privilege. Eat it". Philips eyes widen at the command. "No– I didn't do it", he cried out. "I gave an order. It's your duty to follow it. I don't need you to bitch about it. I'm not interested in drying tears", taehyung snarled , chucking the cigarette onto the floor. "Pick it up and eat it". Philip was sobbing hysterically. The ash surrounding the cigarette made his insides churn. "Don't make me ask again. I'll slice you open and shove that cigarette in if I have to", taehyungs threat made the shivering man pick the bud and without hesitation place it into his bleeding mouth. The heat and ash made the wound burn like a raging fire.  "Chew", Rick mocked. Taehyung stood ,watching Philip force the cigarette down his throat. He gagged and almost threw up — but didn't. The taste was enough to keep him away from food for days.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now