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No one's pov:

"Thank you for delivering my beauties. I didn't think you guys would find the location. But Luca promised that you two are the best men for such jobs".

Rick simply smiled at the compliment but taehyung focused on everything around them. The Russian bastards had built a whore house within the heart of the city. From prostitutes to alcohol, men with guns and drugs reeking off the walls. "150k was the deal", he said , gesturing to one of his men to bring his checkbook. "Now as a treat, you two can fuck any girl you desire. Free of charge. We brought in some new ones last night. Go have a look", he waved his ringed hand. "Sir", the man handed him the checkbook which he signed and handed to Rick. Taehyung was first to get to his feet. He didn't want to do this delivery. But ofcourse he listened to Rick.

"Go on lads. Henry will lead the way".

"We're good", taehyung raised a brow. "Yes, no girls for today", Rick add. The man tilt his head, "are you sure? I said free of charge. Pick any", he smirked. "We're good", taehyung repeat. "It was good doing business with you", Rick said before following taehyung out. "A bunch of weird assholes", the man chuckled.


"Did you seriously have to throw around your attitude?", Rick snapped as they paced down the street. The rain soaking them from head to toe. "I said I didn't want to fucking do this delivery ", taehyung grumbled. "This is our fucking job taehyung! How long will you run from the past? Let it go", Rick growled. "Why don't you just back the fuck up", taehyung halt, shoving Rick. "Is that what you want? Or are you turning into a soft fucking prick", Rick gave him a shove. "It's all because of that whore you're keeping under your roof! If you don't get rid of her , I fucking will!", Rick barked but was cut off by taehyungs fist colliding into his jaw. "Know your fucking place ! ", taehyung yelled. Rick wiped his lip before bolting forward, his fists clutch taehyungs shirt as he pushed him against a wall. "My place? Seems like you've forgotten yours!", Rick grit. "I haven't!", taehyung pushed him away. "Are you sure kim? Because I think you just punched me over a fucking female", he trailed.

Taehyung just stared at Rick. "After all these years. I've advised, fed, clothed , protected. And you chose a whore you know for 2 months over me? Your closest friend ", his tone laced with disappointment. "For the last fucking time. She is not a whore. She is my wife", taehyung muttered. "Wife?", Rick scoffed, shaking his head. Taehyung combed a hand through his wet hair. "Taehyung, I don't know who you're trying to fool. I've known you for almost 12 years. You can not undo the past by pretending to be someone you aren't. You married this girl for the wrong reasons. She is not your fucking redemption", he placed his hands on his waist while staring at taehyung who leaned against the wall.

"She isn't some savior. You aren't husband material. You weren't crafted to be a marshmallow. I didn't fucking teach you to turn soft!", he raised his voice. "Nothing will ever change what you've done. You aren't prey. You're a fucking hunter ", he clasps taehyungs face in his palms. "You're my boy! Stop slacking kim. Wake up . Come back to reality ", he whispered above the rain. "I need you", he add before dropping his hands. "I've allowed this bullshit to go on for too long", he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I should've never allowed the marriage", he sighed. Taehyung remained silent. Despite being clouded with anger. He knew Rick was right. He was different. He was not husband material. He didn't want to be a husband. But why was letting her go hard? He didn't even like her.

She was not his way to heaven.
Hell was his home. He was bound to go there for all eternity. He knew this. He was ready to burn for his sins.

He craved the fire.

"You know what you have to do", Rick whispered, earning a nod from taehyung. "Let's go", Rick threw his arm around taehyungs neck as they continued their walk through the rainfall.



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17 : 21 pm

Anastasia stared at herself in the mirror. Her costume screamed old librarian. It wasn't even a costume. It was one of her favorite college outfits. Maybe her mother was right. She was frumpy looking. She was a 19 year old with an old soul. Vintage.

Her eyes trail to the clock above her bed. The event was in an hour. Taehyung wasn't home yet. Maybe he stood her up. She had a feeling he wouldn't go. He seemed to despise his family. They weren't very welcoming anyway. What would they even do at this party? Everyone who was attending were rich folks with pretty lives. Her parents would be there. Her mother will definitely judge her outfit. The thought alone made her sigh.

The front door shutting downstairs grabbed her attention. He was home.

Anastasia left her bedroom and made her way downstairs. The thunderstorm outside made the windows rattle. "Taehyung?", she called out before pacing into the living room. He was seated on the couch. Face resting in his palms. Clothes soaked, hair dripping. "Hey? Are you okay?", she was quick to kneel before him, touching his knees. "Taehyung?", she whispered. "What?", he mumbled. "Are you fine?", she asked despite his rude tone. "Anastasia, just leave me the fuck alone", he pushed her hands off him and stood. Her eyes following his movements. His distant behavior didn't surprise her anymore.

"Are you okay?", she watched him comb his hands through his hair. "Why? Why the fuck does it matter to you? ", he snapped. Anastasia lift herself off the floor. "You always check up on me", she whispered. "Do I? ", he scoffed. "I don't fucking care about you. You're like a thorn In my flesh. Why the fuck are you making me bleed! You're not wanted!", he shout. Anastasia did not try to fight her tears. She allowed them to leak down her cheeks. Being unwanted was nothing new. Yet it still hurt to hear it.


Her silence could be heard. She sniffled , wiping her cheeks clumsily. Chest heaving as she stared at him. Taehyung kept his eyes on the table. "Should I go to my room ?", she hiccupped. "Room?", he turned to glare at her. "No", he walked to where she stood. His rough hand yanking her by the arm. "Not your room", he said while dragging her to the front door. "Get the fuck out of my house", he seethe , pushing her out . Before her eyes could find his , he slammed the door on her face.

Anastasia looked down at her shoes sinking in the mud puddle. The rain beating down on the ground as if the clouds were furious. The sky lighting up with streaks of lightning. Thunder rumbling within. The rain mingled with her tears felt like peace.

She was always broken.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now