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Hand traveling along the curve of my waist. His fingers tangled in my hair. The bed felt foreign for the first time. Mattress dipping to hold our weight. His soft lips dancing with mine. He was oddly delicious.

My hands entwined with the sheets underneath us. I hadn't touched him.

"Do you always taste like chocolate?", he whispered. "I don't think so-", I trail , earning a little chuckle from this man whom I hadn't witnessed smile. "It's inviting ", he planted feather kisses along my jaw. I wish my nails could sink deeper into the bed. This feeling , it was new, exciting. "You're shivering ", he nudged my cheek with his ice nose. "Am I?", I swallow the lump which had formed in my throat. "Have you never been touched Anastasia?", his voice was ethereal. It was hard to explain how the words rolled off his tongue like sweet honey. Other days , they'd sting like a bee.

"Well?", he made eye contact. Hair hanging over his forehead. Eyes snatching my soul. My lips part to answer but the sound which erupted from downstairs made him divert his attention to my bedroom door. Eyes now wide and alert. I continued to watch him , waiting for some sort of reaction.

"Taehyung!", the voice called, more voices following.

"Fuck", he groaned and got off me. I instantly sit, watching him adjust his pants and comb a hand through his tousled hair. "Who is that?", I ask. "Just stay here", he warned and walked out. I stare at the door. So much for our little moment. I slide onto my feet, pacing to the door. Yes , he had asked me to stay put but forgive me for wanting to know what my husband was up too. The wood creaked under my feet as I slowly snuck downstairs. Their voices filling the living room. They were definitely not his usual group of asshole friends.

"You were late , so we decided to fetch your slow ass".

"I got caught up in something ", taehyung explained. Caught up in our kiss. I peep into the living room. The first person I notice is taehyung leaning against the wall, cigarette between his teeth and beer bottle in his hand. The man on the couch crushing weed, cannabis? I'm guessing , was the man I saw the other night, Rick. I had no clue who the other two blondes were but why turn our home into a bar? Drug den? Whatever they call it.

"The deal will be sealed tomorrow ", Rick turned to taehyung who was blowing smoke rings. "12 bags of heroine. Ben will deliver shortly", he add , earning a smirk from taehyung. My husband sells drugs? Why am I not surprised. I hate when people are right. His father was absolutely correct. He was living in a disgusting neighborhood. He had horrible friends who would some day get him killed or thrown in prison. Why did they get us married? Why did taehyung even agree for me to be his wife if he didn't desire the idea of us growing as a couple?

I step back, wanting to creep to my bedroom and lock myself in the darkness. But -

"Spying is bad", a whisper fell from behind. The tip of something cold pressed to my head. I hear myself panic , breath hitching in my throat, chest tightening when I realize it's a GUN. "Get in there!", he pushed me into the living room. All chatter seized as their eyes shift to us. Taehyung furrowed his brows. A deep frown invading his features. "Little bitch was eavesdropping ", the tanned man scoffed , nudging me with his gun. "Who is she?", Rick asked,  eyes bouncing to taehyung. "She was here the other night. I thought she was some random slut you brought home". I was in trouble. In this moment, I should have listened to him and stayed upstairs.

"Kim?", Rick raised a brow. "Some girl", taehyung muttered, glaring at me with flaming eyes. I was more afraid of him than this gun pressed into my spine. "Not much to look at. Your standards are decreasing ", one of the blondes cackled like a hyena. "Sit bitch ", I gasp as the man pushed me onto the couch, taking a seat beside me. My eyes shift to taehyung, his jaw clenched and eyes on the bottle in his hand. "Rio , don't scare her", Rick rolled the blunt, finally smoking it. "I'm not scaring her. Infact her hideous face is scaring me", he mocked, stroking my thigh with the cold gun. "She's ugly. Where are her tits?", I snap my eyes to the blonde. "Don't fucking look at him with such attitude ", Rio swat my thigh with the gun and I yelp, immediately rubbing the red skin . My heart beating in my stomach. I felt surrounded.

"Hayden-", Rick offered one of the blondes the blunt he had rolled. "I want", the other jumped to his feet, snatching it from ricks hand. "Tyler, don't finish it", Hayden nagged. They looked like twin. Maybe they were. "Shall we go?", taehyung spoke. "Yeah, give us a few minutes ", Rio snapped. The gun caressing my thigh. I was eager to sink my nails into them. Anxiety had struck home. "We're wasting time here", Rick leaned into the couch. "We've got time", Rio leaned closer, inhaling the scent of my hair. I instinctively shift but he yanked me closer. "Where are you running off too? You will show me respect", he spat. My eyes moving to taehyung who was sipping the beer. Was he unbothered? Did this not affect him?

"Fuck this fish looking whore and let's roll", Hayden coughed out the smoke. "Ben will be waiting at the bar", Rick closed his eyes as if to drift into sleep. "Let's move", taehyung placed aside the empty bottle and tossed aside the cigarette. "Let me have my share first. Don't be cunning kim ", Rio snaked the gun underneath my dress. "Stop!", I am screaming. "She's cute", the others mocked and laughed. "Sit still ", he grabbed a fist full of my hair. The gun hiking up my dress. The tears refused to halt. I couldn't breathe. My lungs felt caged.

"Did you not hear her?".

Rio froze and so did I. His gun pressed to Rio's forehead. I could hear Rick chuckling. But nothing compared to the sound of my quaking heart which rang in my ears. "What the fuck are you doing kim?", he seethe, hand still in my hair and gun on my thigh. "You don't want to see how fucking cunning I can be", taehyung hissed, aggressively pushing the gun against the startled mans forehead. "Now get the fuck up and let's go", he kept his gun raised as Rio released me and was quick to spring onto his feet. Their eyes locked. I remain on the couch, shivering.

"Some girl ", Rio repeat taehyungs words before storming out. The twin following. "Good show. Now hurry up", Rick pat taehyungs arm and left. I finally breathe freely. His eyes drop to me as he lowered the gun. "Simple fucking orders Anastasia. Stay in the god damn room", he snapped, shoving the gun into his jacket pocket. "I'm sorry ", I sniffle. "You're always fucking sorry. Follow orders", he barked. This time he was right. Maybe I deserve a slap. "I have rules. Do not engage with the men who come here and stay in your fucking room when I say so!", he pulled me to my feet and I whimper. "Do you understand?", he jerked me. "Yes, I'm sorry", I sob.


Uncomfortable silence.

I could hear myself hiccup.

"Lock the door", was all he mumbled before leaving. He slammed the front door on his way out. I sit back down, burying my face into my palms.

Follow his rules.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now