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12 : 23 pm

"One milky oreo shake".

"Thank you".

The glint in my eyes never fade as I stepped back,  black tray held tight against my pink uniform. A simple skirt and white blouse with the tiniest flowers circling each button. The mother and child I had just served looked so content with their lives. The way she would smooth her daughters hair. Show her how to take small sips from the straw. The child well dressed and pretty. She looked like someone who was deeply loved. Not lacking anything.

I wish someone could take one glance at me and know that I was loved. Atleast think I was. Because in actual fact, I was not. But the thought of one day being loved kept me alive. Breathing. Hopeful.

"Table 5 Anastasia ".

I give a nod to Gwendolyn, taking the new tray which was piled with burgers and fries. "They're a bunch of teens", she grumbled and I smile. I guess I was doing fine for my first day. College went by smoothly too. As for taehyung, I hadn't seen him since he left home. I wondered if he were okay. Without glancing at the customers, I place the tray down,  beginning to unload the food.

"Who would have guessed ".

His voice alone made my insides somersault. Not in a butterfly way. Lifting my gaze, I lock eyes with jungkook whom I had been avoiding. "I would have never picked you to be the type who'd dress as a doll and serve me", his friends cackled as I stood straight, pressing the tray to my heaving chest. "Looking cute", he mocked, reaching out and tugging the skirt. I instinctively bash his hand with the tray. "Slut-", he grit, bolting to his feet. His hand connect with my cheek and I yelp, falling to the floor.

Silence followed.

Every eyeball staring, gawking, hovering over me who remained on the floor.

"What's going on?", Kyra appeared. She was the one incharge when Mr Leonard was out. "Your waitress assaulted me with a tray", he seethe. My hip began to ache from the impact. I couldn't bring myself to look at them both having a conversation about me. "Did you provoke her?", Kyra asked in a calm tone. "Provoke? Why would I do such a thing? I just asked for more napkins and she attacked me. She clearly has anger issues", he continued to lie.

"Get up", Gwendolyn whispered while hooking her hand around my arm and helping me to my feet. "Are you okay?", she tucked my hair behind my ears as I nod. "Why are you asking her ? I'm the one who's not okay. I want to speak to your boss", he insisted in a loud voice which gave me goosebumps. "I am the manager ", Kyra was sighing at this point. I'm sure they had this negative image about me being the new girl who caused trouble on her first day. It hasn't even been 3 hours.

"I said the boss", he frowned , eyes bouncing from Kyra to me. "I should have smacked you harder ", he grumbled. "Sir, maybe you should leave. The boss will be in tomorrow, maybe come back and have a word with him", she suggest but he shook his head , banging his fist on the table. His friends all smirking. "Why should I leave ? I just got here, besides I am hungry. She should leave ", he point to me. "This is about customer satisfaction ", he glared at Kyra who turned to me. I knew what was coming.

"Anastasia, come in tomorrow ", she whispered. I inhale sharply, giving a nod. "Thanks Gwendolyn ", I pat her hand which was on my shoulder. I could feel his hatred follow me as I walked into the staff room to change. Everyone probably thought I'm some freak with anger issues. I didn't even have the balls to defend myself. Men scared me. Scarred me. Abused me. I let them.

I let them because fear ruled my world.

Fear of being tormented by the dominant race.

13 : 27 pm

The house was silent.

I embraced it.

Kicking off my shoes , I remove my coat , strolling into the living room to sit for the few minutes when I halt at the entrance. His eyes lift to find mine , which lingered to him wrapping his hand in a bandage.

"Are you okay?", I drop my bag and coat , making my way to where he sat. "What happened?", I get on my knees, making sure not to touch him unless he asked. "Got hurt. It's obvious ", he whispered, using his teeth to tighten the bandage. "Let me help", I offer. He shook his head , continuing to do it by himself. "Taehyung, please ", I whisper but he ignored me and secured the bandage all by himself.

"Why are you home? Thought you had a job", he combed a hand through his hair, leaning back into the couch. "Yeah", was all I could utter. "They fire you already?", he raised a brow. "No, nothing like that", I lift my eyes to meet his and he tilt his head. "Have you been crying ?", he asked. I blink a few times before shaking my head. "I'm just tired", I lie , digging my nails into my thighs again. He leaned forward, taking ahold of my wrist. "Stop", he furrowed his brows. "Force of habit-", I trail. "It's a bad habit ", he whispered.

Once again , we were so close. I could smell the ointment seeping through the bandage. "How'd you get hurt?", I ask, ignoring the fact that he's holding my hand and I'm still on my knees. "It doesn't matter,  I'm fine", his thumb grazed across my knuckles. "We aren't even trying ", the words pour out like vomit. He stills before raising a brow, "what does that mean?".

"It means that we're married. We're stuck together for the rest of our lives. We aren't trying to get to know each other".


"I find you annoying ", he whispered and my eyes grow wide. "Annoying? I barely speak -", I slowly pull my hand out of his touch. "And when you do , it's annoying ", he deadpan. "If anything, you're annoying", I counter. "Okay", was all he mumbled before the voices of his friends filled the once peaceful house. I instinctively shift closer to his leg as his eyes lift to the boys.

"Fuck. She's giving you head?", brice laughed. What is head? "What's up?", taehyung leaned away from me. "Heard you were out with Rick. How'd it go?". Taehyung looked down at me and I take the hint, getting up onto my feet and pacing toward the door to leave them alone when brice gripped my arm. "Ou-", I flinch, heart clawing at my chest to be set free. He scared me. "Brice-", taehyungs voice boomed. The man simply scoffed and released me with a tint shove. I practically run out.

What were they up too?

Who was this Rick? Did he hurt taehyungs hand? All this won't end well.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now