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"I don't get it, asshole? That's cheating ", rick smacked the boy seated beside him. The gulped down his beer and tossed the cards onto the table. The bar rowdy as usual...until it all went silent.

Rick's eyes follow the crowd and he shot to his feet. "Ana?", he was at the side in a second. "Anastasia?", he gave her cheek a little slap. "Talk to me. What's wrong? Why are you stained with blood ", his voice stuttered. "Yuki", she whispered. "Yuki is dead", she breathed. Rick frozen for a second. "How- where is tae?", he gulped. "I couldn't stop him ", tears stream down her puffy cheeks. "I couldn't stop him. So I came to find you. Hoping that you'd stop him -", she cried into his chest.

"Ana? Where is he?".

"Ben", was all she managed to say. Rick knew he was going to be too late. It was already over. She was right. She could have never stopped him - no one could.

"Ana", he draped an arm around her and walked her out of the bar. "Listen to me", he grasped her face in his rough hands. "Listen to me", he repeat. "I made a promise to taehyung. If he ever got consumed by his demons, he wanted me to share something with you", he whispered as he watched her cheeks drown. "Ana, he's not coming back to you", his voice trailed as she stopped crying. She was just staring up at Rick. "He's not coming back ", he whispered again. Her heart was being stabbed over and over and over again. She could feel the blood seeping. She could hear her mind screaming.

"There's a box in the closet. A red one. Find it", he stroked her cheek. "I will find Taehyung. But - he's not coming back for you Ana ". The tears began again. "Take me to him", she sobbed. "That's why I came to you! That's why I left Yuki to come find you,asshole! Take me to taehyung ", she punched at his chest. "I can't do that, Anastasia. I will not break my promise", he stepped back. "Rick! No! Take me to my husband!", she tried to grab his arm but fell onto her knees. Rick sighed as he watched her cry. He couldn't help her. There was nothing he could do...

"Go home Ana. Find that box".

"Take- me to him", she whispered.

"Rick!", she screamed as he walked away. "Come back you asshole!".


Rick knew where taehyung would be. Ben's mansion was covered with guards. If taehyung was alive, it would be a miracle. He got off his bike and rushed through the open gates. His feet halt as he glanced around at the dead bodies. They were scattered across the green yard. Blood and guts smearing into the grass. The sight was horrific. Any normal person would be gagging and spewing out a week's worth of food.

"Fuck", he gulped the lump forming in his throat. His eyes bounce around until they land on taehyung. He was seated on veranda, palm over his face. Rick's gaze lowered to Ben's body laying on the ground...his head a few feet away. Taehyung had decapitated him. "What the fuck", he gasped loudly as he made his way to tae. "Taehyung?", he crouched down. "Tae?", he touched his knee. "Talk to me bud. Are you hurt?". Taehyung dropped his hand, staring at Rick as tears coursed down his cheeks. "Tae", rick was quick to pull the numb boy into an embrace.

"What have you done?", he whispered.

Taehyung closed his eyes, clenching his fists. "I couldn't stop. They were too strong", he muttered between sobs. "My demons- they won , rick ". Rick tightened his arms around taehyung. "Let's get you out of here. I can have you leave the country in the next hour", rick said but taehyung shook his head. "I'm done running, rick. I have to pay for my sins", he whispered. Rick pulled back to glance at his face. Taehyung had really lost himself this time. His eyes held no emotion. The tears had stopped pooling. "You should leave before the cops get here", he whispered. "I'm not leaving you. If you want to go down then fine. I'm coming with you", rick furrowed his brows.

"Ana", taehyung whispered.

"I- I told her about the box. There's no going back, tae. Not after the shit you just pulled. You have to let her go".


Anastasia couldn't stop screaming as she turned the closet upside down, searching for the box. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!", she began ripping the clothes off the rails and punching the doors. "Fuck!", she yelled and sat on her ass. "Tae", she whispered into her palms. Her eyes catch sight of the red coat she'd been hunting for. It was shoved under a pile of shoe boxes. She pulled it out and inside was wrapped the box.

She was hesitant at first but pry it open eventually. The little sticky note came first.

If ever I lose. This is your freedom to move on with your life. You're bright and beautiful and anyone would love you.
I guess I was one the few blessed men on this planet. Having you as my wife will always be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I refuse to come back as a monster.
Don't look back, because I won't be there.

Just be happy for me.
I love you <3.

She clutched it against her chest as she cried harder. Her eyes hurt and throat was going to collapse. How did they go from happy to never seeing each other again? What was he even talking about? How could she ever leave him behind? She was inlove with him...

Her jittery fingers slowly unfold the paper which was tucked underneath the note. The jaw dropped and eyes squint at the divorce papers which were already signed by him...She was free to walk away. "Taehyung! You son of a bitch!", she threw the box aside ,along with the papers. "Why are you doing this to me? ", she cried into her hands. She didn't get to tell him - he was going to be a dad...

Because in the end -

Taehyung allowed the darkness to consume him. He was not built for love and a perfect little home on the hilltop , where the sun was always shinning. He was a monster and he had accepted that. Deep down he knew, one day - he'd have to stop burying himself. He could not be chained and tamed. Taehyung was meant to be free. Loving Anastasia was never apart of his plan. But - loving her was the best thing he had ever done. Dragging her down with him was something he'd never allow. He had failed Yuki , he won't fail Ana too. His love for her will continue to burn within his soul. He will never forget her.

Their perfect little world shattered in a second. They were never destined for happiness. Because happy endings only exist in fairytale. Their lives were anything but that...Dreaming of a future together was their mistake. No matter how hard taehyung tried to be a better husband...His demons always won.

Taehyung had lost.

They had lost...

Maybe - just maybe - in the next life, they'd win. For now , right now - his love for her will grow until he is no more.


A demon was capable of loving an angel.

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now