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The sound of the shot made his ears ring. He glanced over his shoulder at the man who dropped to his knees - dead. The gun falling from his hand.

"What the fuck taehyung? He was going to fucking shoot you! You really have lost your touch -", he punched Rick straight in his nose before he could complete his sentence. "Argh! Fuck!", rick stumbled back, pinching the bridge of his bleeding nose. "You fucker! You broke it!", he yelped. "Why...Why the fuck would you bring me to a killing range! I told you I was done with that life!", taehyung screamed. "Why are you forcing me to become a monster? I don't want to be that person anymore!". Rick stared at him. "I'm done killing people. I don't want that life", his voice fade as he breathed heavily. He was so frustrated at Rick. He wanted to lift the gun and shoot him in his face.

"Tae? I - I just want my best friend back. This isn't you ", rick whispered. "No! This is me. You were the one who made me into a blood driven monster! I fucking blame you", tae yelled. Rick lowered his gaze , "No tae. You were a monster before we met. I just happen to notice the rage within you. I turned you into a stronger person. It's fucking killing me that you've become weak", he seethe. "I'm was always weak, rick! I was always fucking weak-", he exhaled loudly. "No", rick walked up to him. "You were the strongest among us. You still are ,taehyung. Come back to me", he grasped tae's shoulder. "You don't belong to the world of candy and flowers. You are a weapon of destruction. Nothing will ever change that", Rick's words were haunting. He refused to believe that. Taehyung was not going back to the darkness. He loved Anastasia. He loved being with her... If ever he had to fall back into being a monster - he'd have to walk away from her.

She deserves better. Anastasia deserves to be happy.

"I'm not coming back", he whispered.

"But...If I ever get consumed by the darkness. I want you to do me a favor ".

22 : 12

Anastasia sat on the couch, chewing on her nails. Taehyung was not answering her calls or texts. All he had said was - he needs air. She had no idea where he was and it was beginning to drive her insane. Tears threatened to flow as she sat there, staring at the fireplace.

The sound of the door shutting made her spring to her feet, rushing out of the living room and down the passage. "Tae", she gasped as he pushed her against the wall, placing his lips to hers. He was quick to slip out of his jacket, allowing it to drop to the floor as he hooked his hands underneath her thighs and hoist her up. Anastasia curled around him like a koala bear. Her back pressed to the wall while he kissed her as if there were no tomorrow.

Her hands twist in his disheveled hair as he held her with one hand while the other pushed down his pants. "Tae", she moaned into his mouth when he slipped her panties to the side and snaked his cock into the core. "Fuck", he groaned as he rocked his hips - fucking her harder than usual. Anastasia broke the kiss to let out a yelp. "That hurts", She whimpered. "This is what you fucking wanted, love. Now cry for me. I want to see that pretty face stained with tears", he said as she held him closer, burying her flustered face against his neck while he fucked the life out of her. His hands gripping her thighs which were draped around his waist. Ass thumping against the wall. His cock plunged in and out of her leaking cunt while she sobbed.

"Tae-", she moaned louder. With his length still buried deep, he carried her to the warm living room, placing her down on the couch as he laid between her spread thighs. "You're so beautiful ", he kissed her wet cheeks. "So fucking beautiful ". His lips found hers again as he slowed his thrusts. The pain had finally turned to pleasure as she slid her hands underneath his shirt to scratch at his back. His tongue roamed her mouth while she moaned sweetly.

He was so inlove - it hurt...

10 : 11

"Yuki ", her name rang through the shut door. "The headmaster requested to see you".

It has been 3 days since her father had dumped her at an all girls orphanage. It was a 2 hour drive from home. He had chosen the furthest one. As much as everyone was kind toward her - Yuki could not stop sobbing. She wanted her mother. She did not belong in an orphanage, she had parents...Rubbing her puffy eyes, she slowly got out of bed. Her body was tired from feeling miserable. She hadn't been eating nor going out into the sunlight.

She buckled her shoes , threw on a jersey and unlocked the room door. The noise from the jolly girls filled her ears. How could they be so happy at such a place? No one wanted them...They were the rejects of society. The sun kissed her pale skin as she strolled along to find the headmaster.

"Yuki! How are you today?", one of the caregivers asked. "Fine", she whispered. "Have you seen the headmaster?", she asked. "Yes, she is in the playground ". Yuki nod and slowly made her way there. She hated her father. He didn't even hug her goodbye. His words were 'be good and become something in life'. What could she possibly become? She could only leave this place once she turned 18 or if someone adopted her. Chills ran through her body at the thought of going home with a stranger. She still recalled how she felt when her mother begged her to live with her father for a few days. He was a stranger - still is and will always be... He didn't even try to get to know her. She was a great kid...

Her eyes watch the girls swinging on the tall swings. Some sliding through tubes and the smaller ones digging around in the sandpit. Despite being in the same situation, her heart ached for those younger than 3...Why would people have kids if they couldn't love them? She paused for a few seconds, feeling nauseous. Mama would usually place a warm cloth onto her back, just to soothe the puking feeling rising in her throat. The tears pool almost immediately at that beautiful memory.

With teary eyes , she spot the headmaster underneath the shelter. Her hands tucked behind her back as she nod her head. Yuki followed her gaze to the man beside her. Her eyes widen as the tears creep out. Her body felt as if it were frozen in time... She couldn't move or scream. Until -

"Kyōdai!", she gasped. "Kyōdai!", she yelled out loudly. Taehyung looked over his shoulder at the sobbing girl. "Yuki", he walked away from the headmaster. Yuki finally moved her feet, running toward him. Taehyung watched how her face lit up as she rushed over. He got down on one knee as she collide into him. Her small arms curling around his neck as he embraced her without a second thought. "Kyōdai ", she cried into his shoulder. "Yuki", he whispered while stroking her back. He remained in that position until she was ready to let go. "Are you okay?", he wiped her wet cheeks as he stood. "Yes", she smiled. "You came to see me", she was more than happy. "No", he sighed.

"I came to take you home".

The Husband Arrangement| TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now