A lovestruck avatar of lust

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It was a normal day for Asmodeus, 5th of the 7 avatars of sin. He was just walking around, since it was break time. 

Usually demons would be at the cafeteria, so Asmodeus could just walk around. He had no explanation, he just liked to walk around.

As Asmodeus walked around, he heard some giggling. He peered around the corner and saw two students, one he recognized as Yuu Emcee.

Yuu was a well known student, yet few ever saw her. She was known for being a powerful demon, some say even more powerful than some of the brothers.

As Yuu and her friend chatted, Asmodeus decided to watch in. He loved gossip, after all. Gossip was somehow his thing.

"-and that's how my trip to Scarabia went!" Yuu finished speaking, referring to the time she and Grim went to Scarabia.

As Yuu was about to speak again, her friend Devi who she was talking to spoke out. "Um Yuu? I know your adventures of being in another universe but..how did you die?"

Yuu stopped what she was going to say, and she looked down sadly. "It's breaktime Devi, so I think I can tell you."

"As you know, I am what people call a sinful soul, since I had done something so bad to get here. But I never told anyone why.

You see, after the 7th and last overblot, a new student got teleported. Sashi Sumin, and she acted totally innocent.

As she slowly wrapped everyone around her finger, she blamed everything negative that happened to her on me, so everyone slowly drifted away..

One day, Crowley finally found a way to get me back home. But when no one came to greet me goodbye, that was the last straw.

Back home, I was an orphan. My parents had died when I was 6 and left a small condo that they had to me, which I lived in.

No one was friends with me, in NRC or not, so when I got back..."

Yuu paused for a second, then spoke again not registering the shocked and saddened look on Devi's face.

"I..killed myself. I hung myself in one of the 2 bathrooms I had, and I died! To be honest, I'm happy I did, for now I actually have a friend.."

Devi suddenly pulled Yuu into one of her famous hugs. "OMD Yuu, I'm so sorry! What's the point of me wanting to meet those guys if they were tricked so easily?!"

Yuu laughed. "Don't worry, everything's good now. When I was new here, a woman who also died kinda like me took me in! She's my guardian here, and her name's Missy Arlina!"

Devi smirked. "Yep, you already introduced me to her! Dramatic one she is.." Yuu laughed. "Mhm! She used to be a beauty pageant queen before she died!"

Suddenly, the bell rang. "Oh! I have to get to my next period!" Yuu exclaimed. She waved Devi goodbye as she ran and turned the corner..into who everyone knew as Asmodeus, avatar of lust.

"Oh? Why hello Yuu!" Asmodeus smiled. Yuu smiled in return and replied. "Why hello Asmodeus! How are you?"

Asmodeus' smile turned into a grin. "Well I am good! I was just going to my Curses and Hexes class!" Yuu's eyes widened.

"Oh! That's my next class too!" Asmodeus stretched his hand over to Yuu. "Well then, care to join me?" Yuu slightly reddened and took his hand.

"Great! Would you.. like to come over?" Asmodeus spoke in a seductive voice. He wanted to test Yuu, see if she really was that good in many things.

"Oh..I guess I don't know.." Yuu purred out, in a voice surprisingly more seductive than Asmodeus.

Asmodeus looked back at Yuu. "Not bad, Yuu. You continue to surprise me every day." Yuu suddenly had a flashback.

"Not bad, herbivore.."

"Not bad, child of man.."

"Not bad, henchman!"

Yuu slightly frowned as she looked forward. "Let's just go, shall we? We don't want to be late.." Asmodeus followed her gaze.

"Then let's go, shall we?"

This is my 2nd book, and it's basically TWST replaced! au. I decided to also pair Yuu with Asmo, since I randomly thought of him like Kalim and Vil!

Hope you like it!

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