Operation Credit Card

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It's been a week now, and the 7 dorm leaders are still stuck. Now, a lot of them are bored especially one particular Scarabia student.

"I'm sooo bored!" Kalim exclaimed as he lay on his guest bed. "There's really nothing to do!" Azul looked at him.

"Well Kalim, if you're so bored why don't you go and explore?" Kalim brightened up. "That's a great idea Azul!"

Not long after that sentence, Kalim jumped up from his bed. As he went out, Adults looked at him one last time.

"Remember, keep the knowledge of Sashi a secret!" Kalim nodded as he slammed the door open and practically skipped out.

As Kalim was walking, he spotted one of the brothers. He had brown skin and white hair, just like Kalim.

What was his name? Mammin? Mamman? "Oh well!" Kalim thought as he skipped over. "Hello there! I'm Kalim!"

"Hi! I'm the great Mammon!" He replied back with a smirk. Oh, Mammon was his name. Guess he had to memorize it.

"So, what are you doing here?" Mammon asked. Kalim grinned once more. "I decided to explore since I was bored!"

Mammon put a finger to his chin. "Well, if you're really bored...you could help me with something!"

Kalim blinked. "What is it?" Mammon smirked. "Well..you're going to help me steal something!"

"What do you mean by that?" Kalim asked innocently, head tilted just a smidgen diagonally. Mammon put a hand to his own face.

"...Let's restate this. I need help stealing something, and you're gonna help me." Kalim nodded. "Great!"

"So here's what we're going to do. We're going to sneak into Lucifer's room, and take back my credit card!"

Kalim tilted his head at that. "Who's Lucifer again?" Mammon sighed very loudly. "Lucifer, is my older brother and the one who took my credit card."

Kalim bobbed his head. "So.. We need to steal your credit card back from your brother?" Mammon grinned. "Finally, you get it!"

"THIS WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA!" Mammon screamed as he and Kalim hid behind some bookshelves.

They had successfully broke in and got the card, but when it came to cleaning up the mess they had made...

Let's just say that Lucifer knew who it was immediately.

As they hid, they could hear Lucifer calling out for them. "Oh Mammon..You're in big trouble.." Mammon gulped.

"Never do that again?" Kalim looked at him. " Mhm. Never again."

As Kalim finished his story Riddle and Azul looked at him. "Stealing? Really?" Azul deadpanned. "He is the avatar of greed." Riddle piped in.

"Mhm. So is that how stealing is supposed to go?" Riddle and Azul looked at each other. "No, no that's not how stealing goes.."

Kalim pouted. "Then what am I gonna do?" Azul sighed. "Why don't we play some board games?"

"Ha! Connect four!" Kalim yelled as Riddle shook his head. "How are you so good at this?!" Sail ranted. Kalim grinned.

"I dunno! Maybe that's why I won?" Azul shook his head.

When playing connect four, they decided to test their skills since there were only 3 of them. But, it turned out Kalim was a natural.

"Hey Azul, Riddle, can we play again?!" Kalim asked. As the other two dorm leaders shook their heads, Kalim grabbed the game and went out.

Let's just say, when he went to play against the other people he won by a lot. Even Leviathan and Idia threw a fit at this.

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