Redemption and Retaliation

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Usually, Malleus Draconia likes to take walks around the Ramshackle dorm. Peace and quiet was usually all that mattered to him.

But then he met Yuu Emcee, a peculiar human. One that was never afraid of him. They even gifted him the nickname "Tsunotarou".

Turns out, she was a human with magic whose arrival was totally unplanned. He first met her at the strike of midnight, when all was asleep.

Not her though.

They soon became good friends, and he taught her all about gargoyles and such. She in turn, taught him about tech and such.

But then, Sashi came.

At first Malleus didn't mind Sashi, he expected she would be like all the others except Yuu. But no, she "accepted" him too.

Soon enough, Malleus heard from Sashi how Yuu was bullying her. He of course, got mad and he and Yuu had their first fight.

Soon enough, Yuu became the hated one of the school despite handling 7 overblots. So no one even noticed when she left.

That's why it came as such a shock when he one: Yuu killed herself when she went back and two: Sashi was lying.

That's why it came as such a shock when their former beloved Yuu...just wasn't the same Yuu everyone had known.

"All your fault."

"Can't even be a good friend."

"All your fault."

Malleus now was standing in the very same garden he met Yuu, thoughts racing down his mind. That's why it came as a surprise when someone approached him.


Malleus turned around, to see one of the demon brothers that had been transported here. Satan, avatar of wrath he believed.

"Hello.." Malleus spoke, still looking to the front with eyes not on Satan. Although, he did notice when Satan came up and sat beside him.

"Why are you awake?" He asked Satan. "Couldn't sleep. Better to just walk around." Satan replied shortly.

The two of them pretty much stood in silence for a few minutes, before Satan broke the silence around them.

"How do you all know Yuu?"

Malleus looked at him. "Ah, we used to have a..former platonic relationship.." Satan nodded. "Well then, what happened?"

Malleus looked down. "What do you know about Sashi?" He asked. Satan looked to the sky and the many stars above.

"Well, from what we were told Sashi was a person that bullied Yuu and took away all her friends." Then Satan's eyes widened and he looked at Malleus.

"Wait..were you one of those friends?" Malleus nodded. "Sashi convinced all of us, including me." 

To his confusion, Satan didn't move. "Why are you not staring at me in anger? I was one of those who made Yuu's life a hellscape."

Satan looked down. "I..know how it feels to believe someone over someone else. I know the guilt. So, I won't blame you."

Malleus stared at Satan with wide eyes before looking back to their front again. "Do you know this is the exact place I met Yuu?"

Satan nodded. "I know. Yuu told us all about her adventures and her friendship's downfall." Malleus looked down.

"Hey. Look at me."

Malleus looked up again, to see a slight smile on Satan's face. "I don't know if Yuu will ever tell you herself, but she says if any of us see you.."

Satan started to walk away, back facing Malleus.

"Malleus, Yuu said if any of us meet you that she forgives you already."

As Satan walked away, Malleus felt tears prick his eyes. Would it finally be possible to repair his relationship with his Child of Man?

Farther away, peering through a window stood a certain former human. If you looked closely, you could see her smile.

As she walked away from the glass pane, she uttered some final words.




"I'm glad you finally remember me, Tsunotarou.."

You think Malleus will meet Yuu? Hah! Not! But, we do delve a bit deeper into NRC's feelings once they remember their dear prefect.

Have a great day/night!

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