New AU??

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Hi guys! So..I've been thinking to do an AU in my next book, which is ultimately about 4 of my oc's journey in Twisted Wonderland!

But..I wanted to ask you if you want it! If you don't, it'll be pretty much normal.

So..I call this Song! AU. Basically in earth, every human lives their life. But on their 9th birthday, 2 songs will randomly be stuck in their brain forever.

These 2 songs if you sing them, they will grant you at least one ability per song. However, the choice of songs depends on your life before your 9th birthday.

So, if you lived a bad life till your 9th birthday, you would probably get songs that would allow you to harm people.

So..that's about it. There's more details, like if it's possible to get one song (yes, but it's rare) or do the songs have to be lyrical.(no they can be instrumental but once again, rare.), but if you want it I have everything planned.

But, the choice is ultimately up to you readers!

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