Goodbye, See You Soon

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Today was finally, the day that Yuu and the rest of the Obey Me main cast would go home. While the dorm leaders stayed for about a week, they stayed for a month.

The Sashi incident was fixed, MC reported everything to Crowley and with a bit of convincing, he sent Sashi to be locked up somewhere far away.

Now, that incident only happened for 3 weeks, so the remaining week Yuu and MC went around greeting and reuniting with other students.

Most of them had different reactions. Vil for one, he was a bit mad when he found out Rook didn't tell him he became friends with Yuu again. But once he also became friends with Yuu, he was fine then.

Or Kalim and Jamil, who had opposite reactions. Kalim being the person he was, cried for about 15 minutes while hugging Yuu. Jamil basically apologized and that was it.

So yeah, Yuu was learning to trust her old friends. But alas, all adventures and more always have to come to an end some how.

"Waaahh! I'll miss you Yuu!!" Kalim cried as he hugged Yuu. All of Yuu's friends were now in the mirror chamber, since now Yuu and the rest of the brothers plus MC were going home.

"It's okay Kalim, maybe we can visit again! I finally convinced Crowley to make a necklace which transports me to different dimensions, so I can visit you!" Yuu replied with a smile

Suddenly, Kalim stopped crying. "REALLY?! THAT'S SUPER COOL!!!" He yelled in Yuu's ear, making her flinch.

"So koebi-chan will visit us?" Floyd appeard and picked up Yuu. "Aww, but why can't she stay with us forever?"

"She has a home, Floyd." Jade stepped up from behind Floyd and forced her out of his arms, gently setting her on the ground. "She needs to go back."

From nowhere, Crowley cleared his throat. "Travelers, It is time to go back! The portal has been successfully opened!"

"Bye guys! I'll visit!" Yuu said as she skipped away from Kalim and the Tweels. She stopped beside Asmodeus, and they could be seen chatting.

One by one each of them left, spurring a different reaction from the crowd of Night Raven College students that had gathered.

"I bid you all goodbye."

"Goodbye, for you have been blessed with the presence of the Gre-"

"Shut up you filthy scumbag."

"Hm. Goodbye, and Malleus I suspect you have made up with Yuu? Ah, that is good."

"Well, goodbye! And Vil, if you want I can give you a few tips on makeup!"

"Bye bye everyone!"

"Goodbye! Maybe- Hey! Belphie, wake up!"


One by one, they all left. Even when the portal closed, even when no one knew if they arrived safely, everyone was happy because once again, Yuu was their friend.


"Ah! I'm sorry, so sorry Lucifer!" Solomon begged as he stood in front of Lucifer. "You dare have the audacity to do this? Yuu nearly died because of you!"

Solomon landed to Yuu and MC's feet, making both of them sweatdrop. "Please, I beg that you help me!"

"Oh no you don't!" Both former human and human watched as the avatar of pride proceeded to drag Solomon by his feet into who knows where.

"Welp," MC started, looking at Yuu. "At least we're home." Yuu smiled, thinking of memories here and Twisted Wonderland.

"Yeah, we're home."

Finally this series is finished! Now, I think just as one more bonus I will state some facts about this fic!:

- When I first was making this book, I didn't know what Sashi's name would be yet. Then I read a post-apocalyptic book, and one of the characters' was named Sashi. So no, Sashi is not named after the twisted version of Sara Berry. Sashi was named after a cat. A calico cat to be precise.

- The taser thing was decided after one of the comments here. (You know who you are, I see you)

- Once again, if you didn't see the paragraph stating Yuu's love interest, the reason it's Asmodeus because I randomly thought of him as a cross between Vil and Kalim.

Have a wonderful day/night readers! And thank you for reading Lovely!

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