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One second Yuu was sleeping, the next she was in a random warehouse. She had not felt a thing, since she was asleep.

'Wh-what?! Where am I?' Yuu thought as she looked around. She seemed to be in a metal warehouse of some kind.

'Don't panic..don't panic..' Yuu thought as she looked around. But all of a sudden, Yuu saw a figure in the shadows.

As Yuu squinted, she saw a tuft of pink hair. Out stepped Sashi Barnes, in the flesh. "Well, well, well..a struggling little demon.."

"What do you want from me?!" Croaked out Yuu, wincing from her extremely dry throat. Sashi smirked.

"Now that we're in this position, remember something familiar?" Yuu looked up at and studied her carefully.

Then Yuu finally remembered, and she unconsciously tried to use her magic to escape, but because of the magic ropes tied to her she couldn't.

Sashi was the ex-girlfriend of Lucas McQuagley, which meant..she was also the very one who murdered 7 girls at a prom of theirs.





Mary Ann.



All dead, murdered unknowingly on the same night with one witness..

"Y-you.." Yuu stuttered, eyes widening in horror. Sashi smirked. "Yes, yes it's me! Happy to see me, Yuu Emcee?"

Yuu's eyes hardened. "You bastard! I will never forgive you for killing my friends!" She shouted directly at Sashi.

Sashi grinned sadistically. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know they were never your friends, Emcee. They were all mine, until you came to stardom."

"But that doesn't mean that you had to kill them!" Yuu countered, remembering how she first felt when she saw Sashi covered in the blood of her friends.

Sashi frowned. "But I did have the right to kill them. They were my friends. Mine and mine alone, I am allowed to do anything I want to them."

As Yuu tried to yell at Sashi more, a wide piece of rope appeared around her mouth. Unable to speak, she could not speak.

Sashi looked at Yuu up and down. "I won't inflict any pain on you for now," She started. "But there is one more thing."

"Recognize something?"

Yuu's eyes grew larger as she realized what was happening: Her magic was depleting. Sashi's grin grew larger.

"Yes, I see you've figured out what happened! These ropes don't only nullify magic, they also absorb them! Have fun~"

Sashi walked away, not knowing what was happening in the Ramshackle dorm of NRC. There, some specific demons + humans were panicking.


"Where is she?!" Asmodeus panicked as he walked around the room, Beezlebub trying to console him.

"She was here this morning, and at 10:00 am! Then she said it was nap time for her so I let her! Next thing I know she's gone!"

Lucifer sighed as he tried to grasp on this whole thing. "Asmo, are you sure Yuu was kidnapped?" 

Asmodeus nodded. "Yuu only uses her magic for her specific needs! She wouldn't use it right after waking up!"

Lucifer thought about this for a minute, then finally came to a decision. "Alright, we are going to save Yuu. But, we need a plan."

Suddenly, Leviathan piped in. "Ooh, I know! Rook Hunt, Unique Magic I See You! He is able to track any target that he marked with his magic!"

Satan looked at Leviathan at this. "So what does Rook have to do with this?" Leviathan glared at him in return.

"You didn't let me finish! He was one of the first people to make amends with Yuu, so-" Mammon cut him off. "We could use him! Also, I wonder if he has money."

Everyone stared at this. "Really, Mammon?" Asmodeus frowned at the 2nd born avatar of greed. Mammon sweatdropped. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry!"

Leviathan cleared his throat, and everyone silenced allowing him to speak once more. "Anyways! We could maybe use his help!"

Lucifer nodded at this. "Alright, we will help and save Yuu. But after this, we focus on getting home." Everyone nodded.

"Plan Save Yuu commences now."

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