Intros are in need

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As soon as Leviathan said that, Lucifer suddenly appeared with Diavolo and Barbatos at his side. "Let's start!" Diavolo yelled.

Lucifer getting the idea, decided to start. "Alright, I am Lucifer, firstborn and avatar of pride." Lucifer then stepped back.

Mammon stepped up in Lucifer's place. "Well, I am Mammon the great, second born and avatar of greed!"

Leviathan piped up from where he was watching. "Hi! I'm Leviathan, third born and the avatar of envy!" 

Satan removed his eyes from the book he was holding. "I am Satan, fourth born and the avatar of wrath." He then started to read again.

Asmodeus glared at the newcomers, gently holding Yuu in his hands. "Hmph. Well if I must say, I am Asmodeus, 5th brother and the avatar of lust."

Beezlebub stepped up when he noticed that Mammon had finally sat down and Asmodeus had stopped talking. "Well, I'm Beezlebub, 6th born and the avatar of gluttony."

Finally, Belphegor stood up. "I'm Belphegor, also 6th born and avatar of sloth." He then went back to sleep.

MC stood up not long after that. "Hi! I'm MC, a human transferee! Now, care to introduce yourselves?"

Riddle sighed from where he was standing. "My name is Riddle Rosehearts, and I am the dorm leader of Heartslayabul."

Leona's head lifted. "Alright, the name's Leona Kingscholar and I'm the dorm leader of Savannaclaw."

Azul tipped his hat. "Well gentlemen, the name's Azul Ashengrotto dorm leader of Octavinelle. Pleasure to know you."

Kalim jumped up with a grin. "Hiya! My name's Kalim Al-Asim, and I'm the dorm leader of Scarabia!"

Vil stood up with a neutral expression on his face. "My name is Vil Schoenheit, Dorm leader of Pomefiore."

Idia spoke up. "U-Um, my name's Idia Shroud." He did not want to speak any more, so he didn't speak what dorm he was from.

Finally, Malleus stepped up. "My name is Malleus Draconia, crown prince of Briar Valley. I am also the dorm leader of Diasomnia."

After all the introductions, Diavolo and Barbatos stepped up, catching everyone's attention. "Hello everyone! I am Prince Diavolo, prince of the Devildom and right here is my butler Barbatos. Now, shall we get into the rooms?"

In the end, only 3 rooms had been spared. So, Leona, Riddle, and Kalim were to stay in one room while Azul, Idia, Vil and Sashi were to stay in the other.

The one remaining room would go to Malleus Draconia, though no one really knew why. Some say it was Yuu's choice.

"Tch. Why does the lizard get his own room?" Leona snarled once he was situated in his room. "I think it's Yuu?" Kalim answered.

"Well, why couldn't I?" Leona asked once again. "Leona, stop asking questions and let me rest in peace!" Riddle screamed at him.

On the other side, you could see Vil, Azul, Sashi and Idia just staying on their beds. "I'm going to go and see what's new." Vil announced as he walked out the door.

"Have a good trip!" Sashi smiled. 'Or not.' She thought in her mind. "Thank you, Sashi." Vil spoke as he went outside the rooms.


As Vil walked through the halls of the Devildom, he saw a faint outline of a body in the distance. As he ran closer, he thought it might be one of the 7 brothers.

But no, when he stood closer he found himself once again face to face with a person he had not seen in a very long time.


























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