Vil, meet reality. Reality, meet Vil.

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"What are you doing here?" Vil asked Yuu. Sure last time he saw her she was crying in one of the brother's arms, but he had not seen her for a long time.

"First of all, what are you doing here?" Yuu replied, staring back at him with a neutral expression. 

"I decided to take a walk, is that not wrong?" Vil spoke back, getting a bit irritated. First her hurting Sashi, now this?

"Well, you know nothing about this place! I do! So shut your mouth and don't act like you know this place!" Yuu yelled in a tone that no one had heard her before.

As Yuu yelled, Vil felt a bit confused. "Yuu..this is the Devildom right?" Yuu, still a bit angry nodded. "Yep, the Devildom."

Vil paused. "So..if this place is full of demons, what are you now?" Yuu looked at him. "Yeah, unlike MC there I am a demon."

"So..what happened?" Vil asked Yuu. "Well," Yuu started. "Besides being born here and being tossed from heaven, what is another way to get here?"

"To di-" Then Vil realized. "You-You died?!" He sputtered. Yuu nodded. "Mhm. To be honest, I don't regret it."

"But why?" Vil asked. "Why would you be happy to die?" Yuu looked at him. "Think about it, Vil. Just, think about it."

As Vil thought about it, his blood ran cold. 

"You died..because of us?"

Yuu cackled and shook her head. "No, Well yes technically but-" Yuu pulled down a choker that Vil had never noticed. Vil gasped.

At the middle of Yuu's neck, was a dark scar resembling a burn one would have after trying to hang oneself. 

"You killed yourself?.." Vil asked quietly, staring at Yuu who had a sad expression. "Yep. I tried to tell you. I really tried."

"But I thought Sashi was the one who was getting bullied." Yuu frowned. "Sashi didn't hurt me directly, she only blamed stuff on me."

"So.." Vil started. "You really never did anything to Sashi?" Yuu shook her head. "Sashi was the one always taunting me, blaming stuff on me."

At this point, Vil had heard enough. "Why did you let Draconia take a room by himself?" He questioned Yuu as she strapped her choker back on. 

"I did it...because he was the singular last person to be on my side before Sashi fully convinced him."

As Vil processed that, Yuu spoke once more.

"You know Vil..I once had a crush on both you and Kalim.." Vil whipped his head around to stare at Yuu, who had a melancholic expression.

"That's why...I was so sad when you started getting mad at me, and when Kalim started ignoring me."

"That's why I was so happy when I met Asmo, because he was like a mix of you and him, but he actually had self love for himself."

Yuu stared up at Vil. "But..I suppose that's all in the past now, isn't it?"


Yuu had just finished crying, Sashi had blamed herself once more so Vil had yelled at her. Ace already took Grim away so she had no one to comfort her.

She tried to go to Kalim, but he would always ignore her with Jamil steering him away from her. So now she sat all alone in ramshackle.

As Yuu just sat there, she sang a song.

"One day, I will stop falling in love with you~"

"Some day, someone will like me like I, like you~"

"Until then I'll drink my coffee, eat my pie"

"Pretend that we are more, than friends~"

"Then of course I'll let you break my heart...again"

As Yuu stopped singing, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Twisted Wonderland was her haven, and Sashi had taken it all from her.


Vil had reluctantly called a dorm meeting. Now, they were all standing in where Riddle, Leona , and Kalim stayed.

Sashi was not a dorm leader, so she stayed in Malleus' room.

As Vil told about his encounter with Yuu, everyone seemed shocked and sad. "So..Yuu killed herself after she went back?" Riddle asked.

Vil nodded. "Yeah, apparently she killed herself and ended up here. " Malleus nodded. "Do we all favor to talk to Yuu?"

Everyone nodded as Malleus bowed his head. "It shall be done." He announced as everyone started to leave.

Thanks for reading, also I have a challenge: What song were the lyrics Yuu was singing from?

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