A Reason of Choice

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Yes, this will be in Sashi's POV, so I can show you her ways of thinking. Also, this will mention murder & death.

Sashi was fuming.

When she was in the human world, she was known at her school for being famous for her beauty & kindness.

Then it all came to a stop when Yuu came.

Yuu was average pretty, but her kindness reached to the sky. She was known to be kind to outcasts, bullies, heck even criminals!

That's why Sashi was left in the dust when her followers flocked to Yuu. She always watched from the sidelines as Yuu smiled at everyone.

Sashi never communicated with Yuu, and Yuu never knew about the past of the school & Sashi. So they were on opposite sides.

To be honest, Sashi was fine but a bit jealous. It was exhausting being pretty y'know? But that all changed one fateful day.

Lucas McQuagley, Sashi's quarterback boyfriend broke up with her. Said it was because she was "Too whiny and needy".

But the next day, Sashi found herself standing in front of a confession between Lucas and Yuu. Lucas was holding out chocolates to Yuu as she stared in surprise.

Yes, Yuu never accepted. But to Sashi, that was the final straw. Sashi knew the prom was coming up, so she made a plan.

There were 7 friends of Sashi. Juniper, Annabelle, Emillia, Rachel, Mary Ann, Penny, and sweet little Quinn.

7 friends that stood by Sashi's side once, but now stood by Yuu. In the end, Sashi had a plan that could prove to be successful but with flaws.

Sashi would murder each and every single one of them, and gain her rightful place as prom queen.

It all started coming together the night of prom, where Penny was drinking some acai punch. Suddenly, she coughed and fainted.

"Guess some people can't just handle their arsenic" - Sashi Barner

Rachel was calmly sitting on a rooftop, looking over the view. But then when she felt hands on her, it was far too late.

"That's why you should never sit on rooftops." - Sashi Barner

Annabelle was just fixing up her hair out on the parking lot, she wanted to look nice for her prom date! But she didn't notice the car speeding towards her..

"Oh.." - Recorded last words of Annabelle Luis

Mary Anne was never one for the party, so she was just exploring the school grounds. That was, until she felt a slight warmth on her dress.

"It was said the damage to the school caused one fatality, which looks like to be the source of fire." - Town Newspaper

Quinn just wanted to enjoy the party. Instead, she was grabbed by the behind and strangled to death by a rope.

"Bruises on hands, torso, & neck. Rope burn on the upper neck." - Police reports

Emilia, a wealthy girl. Not so wealthy when she was stabbed and cut to death by a knife, with only one person finding the body.

"It was horrible, I can still remember her lifeless eyes!" - Clarissa Zenith, School Newspaper

Finally, it was Yuu's turn. 

Yuu went missing for over a year, and her parents died in a wreck that was possibly planned. Sashi was never happier.

But then, she herself got transported to a mirror where she found Yuu who has been staying there all this time, in a boys college.

So, Sashi did the one thing she was taught to do.

She charmed her way into those students, and framed Yuu many times. She said she cared, but never really did.

Then when Yuu went back to the human world, Sashi relished in attention. Everyone loved her, treated her like a goddess.

But when Yuu came back, fully different and a demon..

Sashi knew it was time to end this once and for all.

So, yeah! That is Sashi's story! Also, can anyone guess who Sashi is twisted from? (Hint: Musical) Have a nice day/night!

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