Sashi the little bitch

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Suddenly, everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at the horned man who was staring at Yuu in Asmodeus' arms.

Yuu looked at the one who spoke to her. "M-Malleus, don't look at me!" Yuu buried herself in Asmodeus more.

Asmodeus looked at Malleus. "I know what you did. You all replaced her for a new student, and to be honest she's not the type to hurt someone.."

Now, everyone was looking at Yuu. Some were staring with confused neutral expressions, some were staring with shock and hate, and some with sadness.

Yuu started to sob again. "W-Why did they have to come?!" She wailed. Asmodeus simply looked at the newcomers.

"Tell me, of all the people who came here is there a..female?" Everyone looked around until a petite girl with pink hair stepped up.

"Um, I'm Sashi!" The girl spoke up. Yuu looked at her and glared at Sashi menacingly. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

As Sashi looked shocked at Yuu, she looked up. There, was Asmodeus in all his glory glaring at her with an aura that could kill.

"'re the brat who replaced my darling.." Asmodeus looked at Sashi. She started to quiver until one of the newcomers spoke up.

"Oi! Don't hurt her, she's done nothing wrong!" Asmodeus looked at him. "Oh, I wouldn't say that now Leona.."

Leona seemed shocked. "How do you know my name?!" He asked. Asmodeus just smirked. "Yuu's told me all about you, and how you took part in ruining her life." 

Sashi's eyes started to water. "W-What do you mean?! I did nothing to her!" Yuu looked straight at her, knowing the truth.

"Liar! You're the one who ruined my life there, now I stay here! So go back to your world!" At this point none of the brothers except Asmodeus had the chance to speak up.

Suddenly, Solomon spoke up. "Um, if I could I would, but I'd have to do some research in order to bring these people home."

Yuu froze. "So they're staying with us?!" Solomon nodded. "Yep, I'm afraid they have to." He turned to Lucifer.

"Lucifer, can you talk to Diavolo or Barbatos about it?" Lucifer nodded. "Yes, I can. I will try to inform them immediately."

Then, MC burst in. "Guys, what happened?!" She looked around, and she saw the now 8 newcomers. "..What happened?"

Satan sighed. "Solomon here had to somehow summon them from a big mirror he was carrying to show us."

MC looked at them, and then looked at Yuu. "I have a feeling this has to do with Yuu here." Asmodeus nodded.

"They were part of her past, they replaced her with someone else." One of the newcomers spoke up. "We did not replace Yuu with Sashi, she hurt her!"

The newcomer was red haired, with an ahoge on top. Yuu only looked more sad, and Asmodeus looked more mad.

"You know what?! I don't want to worry about this nonsense! Come on Yuu, let's go!" And Asmodeus whisked up Yuu and carried her to his room, where he would do makeup on her once more.

" they have money?" Mammon piped in, making everyone look at him. "What?! I was just saying?!"

Belphegor looked at a fair blonde man with purple tips. "Y'know, I would've expected Asmodeus to befriend this one. He looks nice."

The man looked offended. "Excuse me?! I am Vil Schoenheit!" Beezlebub nodded, not caring about Vil's comment. "Yeah, it's true. Belphie's right."

Another person wearing business clothes and a hat spoke. "So...who are you guys?" Leviathan looked at him.

"Well Azul, let us introduce ourselves." 

(I hope you like it, so yeah! Also Leviathan knows their names because TWST is a game in their world just like Obey Me is in theirs!)

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