A Failed Attempt

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A bit like back in the Devildom, The brothers, MC, and Yuu had been stuck for about 5 days now. At this point Yuu was also very bored.

"Lucifer, I'm going to explore!" Yuu called out to the eldest of the 7 demon brothers as she walked out the door.

As Yuu strolled through the main pathway, she heard a noise. She looked around to see a flash of purple and blonde.

"There's only one explanation for this." Yuu thought as she ducked down below to hide from anyone's side.

"Rook! I know it's you, come out!" Yuu called. No sooner then that, the hunter appeared down from above.

"Ah, it makes me feel joyful to see your image again, Dame Trickster." Rook said, tipping his head.

"Roi de Poison told me everything. I suppose I should give you an apology, non?" Yuu looked straight into Rook's eyes.

"I will accept your apology, but may I ask you something?" Rook bowed his head. "Go forth Dame Trickster, for I am in debt to you."

Yuu took a deep breath before speaking, knowing that Rook's answer would maybe be enough to her.

"Did you know all this time Sashi was lying? Or did you not?" Rook lowered his eyes. "Oui. I never believed her.."

"Then why did you side with her?" Continued Yuu. "Because, Roi de Poison was indeed on Sashi's side. I tried to convince him, but his heart and mind would not budge."

Yuu once again stared at Rook. "Rook, tell me one more thing. Did you regret your actions?" A ghost of a smile passed over Rook's face.

"Oui. I regret it with all my heart, and I hope Sashi will one day get her punishment." As soon as Rook said that, Yuu suddenly hugged him.

"Well in that case Rook, I forgive you. I forgive you for all you did." Rook slightly smiled as he wrapped his arm around Yuu.

"Merci, dear Trickster. Merci.."

After that encounter and reconciliation with Rook, Yuu was now walking her way to the Ramshackle dorm.

Suddenly, an arm pulled her from behind. "Why hello you little slut. Think you can escape from me?"

Yuu put all her weight on the unknown person's arm so that they both fell to the ground. That was how she was face to face with a sneering Sashi.

Sashi quickly got up and tried to land a punch to Yuu's face. Luckily, she rolled away in time. "You bitch!" Sashi screamed as she tried to land another hit.

Now remember readers, Yuu is dead and a demon. What does that mean? She has powers. So Yuu did the thing all people with powers and a lack of need to fight do.

Yuu teleported away, back into Ramshackle. She saw Asmodeus at the lounge, and quickly went striaght to him.

"ASMO!" Yuu yelled, startling the named one. "Yuu?! What do you need?!" Asmodeus said frantically.

As Yuu told him about her encounter with Sashi, somehow Asmodeus didn't get mad. "Alright Yuu. We'll try and stop Sashi."

As Yuu went back to her old room, she thought about what Asmodeus had said. "If we're gonna stop her..we need a plan."

And Yuu Emcee spent half of her night planning possible solutions for the next time Sashi tried to harass her.

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