Operation Home Failed

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That was 2 days ago. Now, it's been a week or so that all 7 dorm leaders and human are extremely, extremely bored.

So that's why it was a great joy when Solomon announced that he finally found a away to get everyone home.

"-So yeah! I think I can do it!" Solomon finished his sentence. Due to that, everyone seemed relieved including Yuu.

"So we can go home now?" Leona asked, unimpressed with Solomon's speech about their way back to Twisted Wonderland.

"Y-yeah! That's about it!" Solomon then quickly ran out and came back in with a mirror, more specifically the same mirror that transported the dorm leaders and Sashi here.

"Okay." Solomon started. "In order to bring you back home, you need to follow my instructions. That way you can return home safely."

Riddle nodded. "Dorm leaders, listen to Solomon. That way as he said, we can all get back home to our family and friends."

As Riddle spoke, Solomon turned to Lucifer. "Hey Lucifer, do you mind if we use you, your brothers, and Yuu's power to go back? The spell is complicated."

Lucifer just stared at Solomon for a moment then nodded. "I agree, but you'll have to ask my brothers themselves."

Solomon nodded. "I pretty much have a good bond with them including Yuu, so I think they will agree!"

In the end, everyone except Diablo and Barbados agreed to participate. "Okay guys, get in a circle around the mirror!"

"Why would we do that?" Kalim asked curiously. "Because one side will be used to channel power, and the other side would be to teleport home!"

"Ah, okay!" Kalim replied back. Sooner or later everyone was in a circle, Solomon in front.

"Gnirb kcab eseht elpoep!" Solomon chanted as the mirror lit up. "Demons, keep on chanting what I said!"

As the brothers and Yuu chanted, the mirror soon turned fully bright. "We can go home now?" Idia asked nervously.

Solomon briskly nodded. "It says in the spell book that once the mirror's lit up, you guys can go home!"

"Single file line!" Riddle yelled. Luckily for him, no one disobeyed and slowly but steadily were preparing to go back to their home."

Riddle stepped up first. He put a foot in, then slowly the rest of his body. After that, Leona followed and also did Azul.

Sooner or later, all the dorm leaders were safely on the other side and it was Sashi's turn. She stepped in with one foot, but she quickly leapt in.

That caused the mirror to shake and glow once more. "Slowly and steady!" Solomon yelled st Sashi. Of course, she didn't listen.

The mirror then like previously emitted a bright glow. "What's happening?!" MC yelled as they were watching the ritual.

"I don't know! This isn't how it's supposed to go!" Solomon yelled back, as he could not see MC's face because of the light.

"HUH?!" Mammon screamed as he and the other demons along with MC disappeared through the mirror.

"W-what happened?!" MC groaned as they sat up. It seemed like they were in a chamber, with another mirror in the middle and several mirrors around.

"I-I know what this place is!" Yuu muttered as she too, came to her senses. "Where are we then?" Lucifer asked her since he recovered also.

"This place.." Yuu started.

"This place is Twisted Wonderland.."

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