Found In A Jiffy

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" Dame Trickster has been stolen away by Sashi, non?" Rook asked MC and Beezlebub who had approached him this morning.

"Yes..she was sleeping, and then she was gone! She never uses magic carelessly, and the traces of magic aren't even hers!" MC panicked.

Rook nodded solemnly. "I understand. Do you want me to use it now, or do you want me to use it when we get back to Ramshackle?"

Beezlebub scratched his head. "Well, I personally think it's best to do it now. Then we can think the plan over more once we get back."

Rook nodded. "Then I See You....Whoever found out Dame Trickster was kidnapped is right. She is in a metal warehouse, and I'm sure you can guess the culprit."

MC clenched their hands. "It was Sashi, right? That bastard..." Rook nodded. "Oui, it was her. We all thought of her as something, though she was in the end the mastermind."

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Beezlebub shouted he walked away. "Wait up!" MC yelled as they ran and tagged on his heels, Rook following her.

As they were walking, MC asked Rook a question. "Hey Rook?" Rook looked at them, and smiled. "Yes?" MC once again started to speak.

"Well, Yuu told us that you and her apologized. Did you tell your friend or dorm leader about this? Sorry, I don't remember his name, just that he's pretty."

Rook chuckled. "As much as I would want them to reunite, I'm afraid Roi de Poison and Dame Trickster have not. And his name is Vil Schoenheit."

MC's eyes widened in amazement. "Don't you mean Schönheit? It means beauty in German." Rook raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I have never heard of this German."

MC facepalmed. "Well, we're here." They finally said. The three stepped inside, where all the remaining 6 brothers were waiting for them.

"So?" Lucifer asked. "Do any of you know where Yuu is?"MC took a step forward. "Like my suspicions, Sashi has taken her. She seems to be in a warehouse."

Satan nodded. "The rest of us that stayed here made a plan." "So what's the plan?" Beezlebub asked. Satan once again spoke/

"So here's the plan..."

Yuu was getting tired and more tired by the minute. The ropes she were tied in were getting tighter and tighter by the minute, and plus the ropes were absorbing her magic.

As she was just sitting there, accepting her fate she suddenly heard a noise from her side. She expected Sashi, but who was there..

"Mammon! How are you here?!" Yuu whisper-shouted as Mammom came to her from across the room. "Scratch that, how are you even here at all!"

"No need for that." Mammon whispered as he untied Yuu. "Just be grateful that I, the Great Mammon have saved you!"

Yuu rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah." She said as she was carried to the entrance since she was too weak and tired.

Mammon and Yuu met Leviathan, Belphegor, and Rook at the entrance. "Rook?!" Yuu exclaimed as she saw the infamous pomefiore hunter.

"Oui. It pleases me to see that you have returned safe from your struggles." Rook tipped his hat. "Where are the others?" Yuu asked once more.

"Well..they're searching for Sashi.." Belphegor muttered. "Ah, thanks for telling me Belphie! But what exactly are we doing?"

"Well, we're keeping guard over this place and now you." Leviathan chimed in. "I was forced into this because Lucifer threatened to take away my ruri-chan figures.."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Yuu said before chuckling. "I guess it's just how Lucifer acts." As her giggles dissolved into silence, everyone heard screaming.


Everyone turned to see MC, Lucifer, Satan, Asmodeus, and Beezlebub with Sashi in their clutches.

"Asmo!" Yuu ran to Asmodeus who gladly opened his arms for a hug and kiss. "You're gonna need to repay me for all the time you were missing." Asmodeus whispered in her ear making her blush.

"It seems that this young lady here needs some explaining to do." Lucifer announced as he clutched Sashi's arms."

"NO! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!" Sashi screeched as she glared at all of them, Yuu especially. "I WILL NOT!!"

"Well, you should have thought about that before kidnapping Yuu." Satan crossed his arms. But all of a sudden, Sashi escaped Lucifer's grip.

"DIE!" Sashi screamed reaching a hand for Yuu's face. Yuu closed her eyes, awaiting Sashi's bold attack from the front.

And opened them to Sashi's unconscious form on the ground. "...What happened?" She muttered, looking at her unconscious undecided enemy.

MC spoke up. " was me." MC showed their right hand, which was now holding a somehow bright pink taser.

"I really didn't have anything to defend myself with, so Lucifer allowed me to bring a taser. Guess it was useful." MC said with a shrug.

Lucifer sighed. "Alright, main problem fixed. Let all of us now go home." Everyone nodded as they walked out.

'Finally this is all over.'

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