Braincell Trio Reunited

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After that reconcilation with the Leech twins, Yuu was rather in a good mood. She now felt that maybe, just maybe this world could be trusted once more.

But right now, it was bonding time with her sweet boyfriend Asmodeus. Right now they were sitting in the middle of Ramshackle, Yuu having makeup applied on her face.

"And..there!" Asmodeus finished applying the last of the eye shadow. As Yuu was handed a hand mirror, she saw her now styled face.

"Oh my Diavolo, this is beautiful!" Yuu exclaimed. "Well, I am the avatar of lust." Asmodeus replied, smirking.

"Mhm! Thank you!" Yuu stood up from her seat & left. "Bye bye! I'm going to go and see stuff more!"

Yuu pecked Asmodeus' cheek and walked out, a smile on her face. She was dressed and looked her best, all thanks to her beloved boyfriend.

She once again walked out of the door, and looked around. It was a nice day, not too hot, and not too cold.

As Yuu walked by the courtyard, she heard a once familiar voice. She stopped and looked around, only to see the now present commotion.

"Grim! Get back here!" "NO! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!"

Yuu looked in front of her to see an auburn haired boy chasing a cat with blue fire at the tips of his ears and tail.

When they both crossed her, the cat looked over and suddenly stopped at her gaze. "....Yuu?" The cat spoke.

At the sound of Yuu's name, the boy also stopped and looked over. His eyes widened as he saw the named person in general.

Soon, another boy came back beside the 3 figures panting. " really have to slow dow-"

Soon, the boy saw what Ace and Grim were looking at. Yuu stared at them, and they also stopped and stared.

Ace spoke first. "Hi...Yuu." Yuu stayed silent, but then Grim spoke. "Henchman? Is that you?" Yuu looked at him and nodded.

"Yep, it's me! Happy to see me?" Grim just seemed more sad at this. "How..are you?" Deuce asked. 

Yuu looked at him. "Earlier when I was still here, no. I was never fine with all the overblots and being magicless."

As Ace tried to speak, Yuu continued. "But, now I'm fine. I have loving friends, a caretaker, and a loving boyfriend."

'Even though he first thought of me as a possible sex toy' Yuu thought. She knew what Asmodeus could do, so she waited and made a genuine bond with him.

Plus, she really didn't have to confess! After all, who wouldn't love a girl who didn't love or become friends with you just for your looks?

"Yuu..I'm..sorry.." Deuce said. "I know you probably won't forgive me, but I just wanted to say that.."

Ace looked at Deuce, and then looked back at Yuu. "Yeah...I'm also sorry, for not believing you.." Grim went in front of Yuu.

Yuu looked at Grim, Ace, and Deuce. She remembered all the good times they had, from the beginning to the end.

When Ace and Deuce looked up again, they soon found themselves wrapped in a hug. "I forgive you guys.." Yuu said with a smile.

"Nya! Henchman is back again!" Grim yelled, breaking the heartwarming moment, Yuu stifled a laugh.

"Why don't we catch up?"

Yay! Braincell trio reunited, and Yuu forgives some more people! Also, I just wanted to say thanks for reading my book!

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