Yuu cries, everyone dies

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After that encounter, Yuu and Asmodeus became the best of friends. Yuu would always let Asmodeus (or Asmo as she would call him) do makeup on her and other stuff.

Asmo also introduced her to his 6 brothers, and MC the human transfer student. Luckily, they all adapted to her presence.

6 months into being besties, Asmodeus approached her one day asking her to be his girlfriend and she accepted, with happy tears and Devi cheering for her.

Now, she was content and happy, for nothing could replace this life.

Everyone was just standing in the living room of the House of Lamentation. Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan were not here because they were busy.

MC was in between Beel and Belphie as they ate and slept, Satan was reading a book, and Asmodeus was casually browsing on his D.D.D while Yuu slept on him.

Suddenly, Solomon burst in, Yuu waking up from the sudden noise. In return, Asmodeus glared at him. "What reason Solomon, do you have with us?.."

Solomon scratched his head. "Hehe, sorry! Look at this!" Solomon pulled out a mirror. "Don't you think it's cool?!"

Yuu froze, and buried herself in Asmodeus more. Asmodeus having noticed this, wrapped an arm around her. "Solomon, if you would, please put that mirror away!"

Solomon pouted and started to walk out. But before he could, a bright light appeared from the mirror.

As everyone stared with shocked eyes, 7 men popped out. Yuu's breath hitched as Asmodeus hugged her closer.

When Yuu finally told him about her past and how she died, Asmodeus made it a personal mission to memorize every person mentioned so if he ever saw them, he would gently murder them.

So, Asmodeus knew what each and every person looked like. That's why he was now angry when he looked at the 7 men.

"Wh-where are we? Have we gotten isekaied or something?!" One of them asked. As Yuu looked at them, she burst into tears.

"WAIT!" Asmodeus shouted as Yuu ran off. As he followed her he knew exactly what to do. He went to his room and sure enough, Yuu was there.

"Th-they're gonna hurt me again..they're gonna make you leave me.." Yuu rambled in between sobs . Asmodeus pulled her in close.

"No, no darling. Remember? I said, 'If I'll ever see them i'll beat them up'. Because of you, I don't take promises easily.."

Yuu just stared at him before wrapping her arms around him. "Oh, thank you! The thing is, if I ever tried to side with someone Sashi would always take them!"

Asmodeus felt another wave of unexplainable rage go through his blood. "Let's go darling.." Asmodeus then swiftly picked Yuu up, earning a squeak from the red eyed girl.

When the two arrived back, all of the brothers were there. Lucifer was interrogating them, while Leviathan was chatting with a guy with blue fire for hair.

"Oh my Diavolo! You're from that one game Help! I've been isekaied to a world with magic!" Leviathan squealed.

"I know right?! And you're in that game I'm a Human in a Demon School and I Have to Seduce One of The Brothers!" The guy Leviathan was talking to replied back.

Yuu was about to curl up in Asmodeus' arms again till one of them, a pale tall fae with horns on his head spotted her.


(Sorry if it's short! I just wanted to get this over with! Also, I'm trying my best but sorry if Asmo is OOC! The reason he's like this is because ever since Yuu became his girlfriend he changed more!)

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